51 - A Fool for Falling in Love

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"Breaking News! Charles Hadleigh, one of California's finest lawyers, murdered in a New York hotel room!

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"Breaking News! Charles Hadleigh, one of California's finest lawyers, murdered in a New York hotel room!... From sources that were on site, we have information that America's most powerful business tycoon, Xavier Thorn was spotted on the murder site, along with the FBI... Since the investigation, his mystery girl, that's been at multiple locations with Thorn Inc's youngest CEO, has also been missing from the picture...Although the young billionaire has yet to confirm his relationship with this mystery girl, her sudden disappearance has posed many kidnapping rumors... Several FBI officials have also been spotting at the scene and we can—"

"What the fuck is this?!" Xavier shouted, hurling the remote control into the flat screen TV that hung up in his office.

He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep all night and had arrived back at the company as soon as the sun rose.

Staying at home wasn't an option for him. Each part of that house reminded Xavier of Raine. He tried to sleep, but the bed was so cold without her warm body hugging him. The whole house felt empty without her loud giggles and cute smiles that she had sprinkled in each corner of the mansion.

"Who let this news come out?!" His voice was nothing less then a growl and Jordon didn't expect anything less coming from him.

He had tried to get Xavier to stay home but the stubborn man refused to listen to anyone. "Mr. Thorn, we cannot stop the press from saying anything." Jordon resounded.

"Bullshit!" He shouted. "Don't you get it?! If the media keeps running this breaking news, Killian will see it! And once he finds out that Charles is dead, he'll know something is up!"

"I understand. But there's nothing we can do to stop the media from reporting this." Jordon stated. "The only good news is that Raine's name wasn't mentioned."

"Raine..." Xavier said, throwing his head into his hands as he shut his eyes tightly.

It had been so long since he had seen her. Since he had held her in his arms. He always knew that she meant a lot to him. She was his shining star from day one. But he hadn't ever thought she meant this much until she had disappeared from his life.

"We have to find her." He breathed out. "Jordon we have to find her. It's been so long. Who knows what Malin will do to her. We don't even know if she's alright. What if he hurts her. What if—"

"Thinking of all the 'what ifs' won't bring us any closer to Raine." Jordon interrupted.

"You're right." Xavier nodded. "We need to go find her. We have to find her before Killian does."

"Killian has probably already heard the news, Mr. Thorn." Jordon reasoned.

"Come on then." Xavier shot out of his chair. "Let's go find her."

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