32 - Peaches and Beaches

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A yawn escaped her lips as Raine crawled out of the guest room and entered the living room of Xavier's presidential suite

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A yawn escaped her lips as Raine crawled out of the guest room and entered the living room of Xavier's presidential suite. It was late morning. The sun was already hanging brightly in the sky and the hustle of the city could be seen from the large windows that overlooked Paris.

Walking through to the french doors, Raine slipped into the balcony, taking a breath of fresh air. A smile made it's way onto her lips as she saw the Eiffel Tower standing proudly in front of her. Her eyes followed the horizon and landed on the cars that were rushing along the roads, eager to be freed from the traffic.

Just as she was about to turn back to head into the room, Raine felt two hands land on her shoulders and her back press against a muscular one. It didn't take long for Raine to figure out who it was.

"Good Morning Raine." Xavier said, turning Raine around so that she was facing him.

"Morning." She replied back shyly.

They were so close to each other that Raine caught herself in a daze. Although the sky was crystal clear, not a single cloud lingering around, it's brightness did not compare to the brightness in his vibrant blue eyes. The different hues of blue shined like crystal shards as they looked down at Raine in the softest way.

Although her touch had been an addiction to him, he removed his hands from her body before he took a couple of steps forward, leaning on the railing like Raine had previously done.

"It's stunning isn't it?" Raine asked, noticing Xavier admired the aesthetics of the French city.

"I've been here so many times." Xavier whispered, diverting his eyes to Raine. "But it's never looked as beautiful as it does now." He confessed with honesty.

"It's not just a place that's beautiful." Raine smiled. "It's the feeling that accompanies a place which makes it beautiful."

A curious look made it's way onto Xavier's face as he processed Raine's words carefully."That's really something." He said.

"My mom used to always say that." Raine said, giggling softy. She stepped closer to Xavier, resting her head on his shoulders. "There was this lake that we'd go to sometimes. Well it used to be a lake at least. It actually dried up over the years... Anyways, I hated going there. There were better lakes nearby but for some reason, Mom and Dad would always go there." Raine explained. "Whenever I asked Mom why we went there and not anywhere else, Mom used to tell me the same thing."

Xavier's arm pulled her closer, letting the warmth of his body transfer to her's. The was a chilled breeze in the air but the heat of their hearts was enough to keep them warm. 

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