7 - You Moving?

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But just as Xavier was going to say something, there was a loud crashing noice from upstairs followed by a scream

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But just as Xavier was going to say something, there was a loud crashing noice from upstairs followed by a scream.


It's didn't take long for Xavier to register what had happened. "Raine," he whispered as he dashed out of the kitchen, running frantically up the stairs. It wasn't long before Xavier pushed the door of his room open and barged inside.

Raine was standing in the middle of the room with the glass that previously rested on the bedside table, shattered on the floor in front of the opposite wall. Her body was shaking and her face looked terrified.

"Raine! What happened are you alright?!" Xavier said as his breathes calmed down seeing Raine awake and safe.

"He.....I-I......s-shadow......." Raine said with fear evident in her sweet voice.

Xavier looked around the room but found nothing out of place besides the glass pieces shattered on the floor. Recalling the doctor's previous words he understood what had happened. She was having trauma and waking up alone, in an unknown room was clearly not helping.

Xavier stepped closer to her and cupped her cheeks with his soft, warm hands, wiping a tear that slipped down from her eyes. "Hey, Raine everything is fine now. You don't have to be scared."

Raine immediately melted into his embrace, leaning into his body and resting her head on his chest. She couldn't help but feel safe in this position. It was the feeling that she had been craving for the past years as she wondered around in this world, alone and helpless.

Xavier remained quiet as Raine recollected herself. He rubbed her back in soothing circles, allowing her to calm herself down. After a while, Raine gently pulled back out and Xavier quickly removed his hands off of her body. As soon as the contact was lost, Raine seeming to miss his warm touch.

Carefully, her brown eyes, still puffy from last night, met Xavier's piercing blue ones. She allowed a weak smile to come forth on her lips. "I'm sorry. You know....for the glass." She said with guilt and embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it Raine." He took her hand and guided her back to the bed. "How are you feeling now? Are you in any pain?" His eyebrows drew together with concern as he studied her face, looking for signs of discomfort.

"Just a little," Raine said softly. "I....." The intensity of Xavier's gaze causing her to go into a loss of words. "Th-thank you. For yesterday."

Xavier released a breath of relief and sighed. "Don't say thanks. It was really nothing."

"Nothing?" Raine looked at Xavier in shock. "You saved my life Xavier! If you hadn't been there, then god knows what that man would have done to me. I don't even know if I would still be alive and------"

Raine was cut off when Xavier's hand landed on her lips. Her eyes widen as her lips tingled with the touch of his warm hands. She looked at him with her big brown eyes and found him staring at her covered up lips with an unknown emotion lingering in his eyes.

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