21 - Unleash the Beast

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The door slammed shut, blocking out the winter air from getting into the cozy room

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The door slammed shut, blocking out the winter air from getting into the cozy room. Raine walked into her apartment, her hair covered in small flakes of snow that glistened in the light.

Xavier had just dropped her off at Mike's apartment, vowing that it would only be a couple of days before he would have the privilege of dropping Raine off at her very own apartment.

Her cheeks grew warm at the thought of the intimate moment that Xavier and her had shared earlier that night when she fell into his arms. She could still feel the warm touch of his muscular arms that had curled around her waist perfectly, holding her safely against his hard chest. And she could still hear her heart beat wildly in sync with Xavier's own. 'Was he feeling what she was too?' She thought.

"So the big bad Xavier Thorn let his hostage free, did he?"

Raine froze for a second, before realizing that it was only Mike who was sitting at the dining table, his head buried in a box of pizza.

"Hostage?" Raine questioned, before shrugging off that thick coat that was wrapped around her body.

"Yup." Mike said, licking his fingers. "After he kidnapped you from work?" He asked again, taking a big bite out of the slice of pizza.

"Ah, but a true kidnapping would be that when he took me against my will, correct?" Raine suggested, plopping down on one of the chairs besides Mike and opening up the box to be engulfed in the delicious aroma of the warm parmesan and garlic crusted pizza. "Perhaps I walked into the lion's den myself."

"So what did the lion say?" Mike played along.

"Lion?" Raine asked, her voice slightly muffled by the pizza that was now tantalizing her tastebuds and sending them in a wild state of euphoria.

Mike shook his head and began to laugh. "Xavier. What did Xavier say? Daisy was giggling all afternoon because of him." He said rolling his eyes.

"Well, I've got some good news and some bad." Raine said, chugging the Dr Pepper down her throat. "Which would you like to hear first?"

"Since it is the big bad wolf we're talkin' about, I'll take the bad, pretty please?" Mike teased, grabbing yet another slice of pizza.

Raine giggled before wiping off her face. "The bad news is, our adventures of living together as Rainy and Mikey and taking over the world are coming to an end."

"Say what?" He asked, burping out loud.

"You're finally getting rid of me Mike! I'll be off your sailing ship soon and you can get your bachelor pad apartment back to yourself." She said dramatically.

"And why would you possibly be moving out?" Mike asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I got a job."

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