12 - Good Night

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Raine sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes as yesterday's events ran through her mind

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Raine sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes as yesterday's events ran through her mind. Mike had been gracious enough to give her the guest bedroom in his apartment. Although it was nearly half the size of Raine's previous room, she was more than thankful for what she had.

Yawning, Raine crawled out of the bed and came into the living room. Mike's apartment was slightly bigger and had a more modern tone to it. The complex came with a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and thankfully two bathroom. Mike had been living there for the past five years and though the rent was a little too pricey for him at first, the double shifts and some help from his parents, made it easier for him to afford.

A smile grew on Raine face as she saw Mike flipping pancake on the stovetop. She walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a bar stool to sit on while she watched Mike do his magic.

"Morning Raine!" He said as he turned around to grab two plates.

"Good morning Mikey!" She said with a smile. "I didn't know you were secretly a cook."

"Yeah well let's just say that the most I can make without burning the place down, is pancakes."

Laughing at his comment, Xavier's face flashed into Raine's mind. The way he had floated through her kitchen, mixing up a bunch of ordinary ingredients and turning them into a masterpiece. Even though it had only been one day, Raine missed him.

"Whatcha thinking about Rainy?" Mike asked setting the stack of pancakes before her face. "Maple or chocolate?" He asked holding two bottles of syrup.

"Chocolate." Raine said with a grin on her face. Reaching out, she pour a heavy amount of the chocolate syrup, allowing it to ooze and run off the edges of the pancakes at form a pool at the bottom.

"Do you plan on eating pancakes with syrup or syrup with pancakes?" Mike said laughing at Raine's as she innocently pouted back at him.

"One can never have too much chocolate." Raine replied with a smug look.

They were interrupted when Raine's phone began to ring. She quickly rushed over to the table, taking it off charge and looking at the lock screen. Her heart fluttered seeing Xavier's name displaying brightly on the screen. Without waiting another second, Raine answered the phone.

"Hello?" Raine said patiently awaiting Xavier's velvety voice that she had been dying to hear.

"Raine," Xavier breathed out. "I am so sorry. I didn't see your message until late last night and figured you'd be sleeping. I do sincerely apologize, you have no idea how horrible I felt when I got back to the hotel to find your lone message on my phone."

"It's ok Xavier." Raine said smiling to herself. "I was kinda bored and figured you'd be done with your meetings too. How did it go, by the way?"

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