48 - I'm Sorry

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The past hour had probably been the most difficult hour of her life

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The past hour had probably been the most difficult hour of her life. Threat had always been looming on her head, but never had she been as scared as she was now. 

Not even when Malin attempted to kill her. 

Xavier meant the world to her. 

He had given her things that she hadn't found anywhere. And it wasn't the materialistic things that she was thankful for. The job, the house, it all meant nothing compared to the love, care and kindness that he had showered her with. 

He had taken her out of the bed of thorns and put her onto a bed of rose petals. 

He had plucked each and every single one of her sorrows from her life and replaced them with pure happiness. 

He had made her laugh and he had made her smile. 

But most importantly, he had made her love. 

Love. A feeling she never thought she'd feel ever again. 

But she felt it now. She felt it with every breath she took. With every glance at Xavier's blue mystical eyes. With his every gentle touch. With the comfort of his arms and the rhythm of his heartbeat as she laid nestled on his chest, their legs tangled but their hearts in sync. 

And she wished she could stay their forever, laying in his arms for an eternity and even then, she would not get tired with the essence of his smell, nor the warmth of his touch.  

But everything was coming to an end.

The man that had treated her like an angel from heaven, was the very man she had put into a pit of danger. 

She had been foolish to think she'd ever get a man like Xavier. He was a prince, but she was no princess. She had wounds and scares and demons that surrounded her. Things that would haunt her till she took her last breath and though she had grown accustomed to living in the dark shadows, she couldn't let Xavier do the same. 

He was her knight in shining armor, but she couldn't allow him to save her, for saving her meant putting himself on the frontline. 

And Raine wouldn't allow that. She wouldn't let even a scratch come Xavier's way. 

She wanted a forever with Xavier, but while he had everything to give her, she had nothing. Her heart had been long crushed by the reality of life, and only small pieces of it remain now. And she was willing to give up each and every piece that was left. 

But would that be fair? 

He deserved the world, but all she had to offer was the shattered bits of her fragile heart. 

* * * 

"Raine?!" Jordon's voice echoed as Raine turned around, facing the large glass doors of Thorn Inc. 

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