28 - Crepes

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The warm rays of the sun reflected off of the glass building on New York's horizon

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The warm rays of the sun reflected off of the glass building on New York's horizon. It was late morning time and Xavier and Raine were just arriving at Thorn Inc, ready to work. 

Xavier walked briskly into the building, eager to start his hectic schedule for the day, while Raine followed by his side. 

However, instead of the lobby being clear and quiet like always, members of the security department and employees were hustling through the main floor, all with looks of distress on their faces. 

A frown itched upon Xavier's face as he noticed his employees not following the normal protocols and instead preoccupied with something else. 

"What's going on?" Raine asked in confusion. Normally when they entered the building every morning, things would be quiet and calm. However, today, it wasn't any of those. 

"I have no idea." Xavier muttered before looking around rapidly, in search for his trusty employee. "Jordon!" He shouted, as soon as Jordan came it sight. "Get over here!" 

Jordon rushed over to Xavier as fast as he possibly could, gesturing the other members to resume their work while he talked with Xavier.

"Mr. Thorn there has been a---"

"What is going on here?!" Xavier demanded harshly, noticing a group of security guards rushing into the building.

"Mr. Thorn there's been a slight problem and we are just trying to fix it." Jordon notified. "I assure you that we'll have the matters sorted out as soon as possible."

"A slight problem?" Xavier repeated. "And would you care to explain to me what this slight problem is?"

"I.... actually." He began, only to end in a loss of words. 

"I am waiting Jordon. Tell me what's going on? Why are the security guards running around my company!?" 

"There appears to be a security breach."

"What?!" Xavier said shocked. "What do you mean there is a security breach? We have 24 hour surveillance! How can anyone violate our security protocols?"

"It's actually a server breach Sir. Someone tried to access our servers from a different location. The firewalls set up by our top engineers prevented confidential information from being accessed by this potential hacker, but unfortunately, some of our open access information might have been compromised." Jordan explained. 

"Hacker?!" Xavier spat with distaste. "You mean to say, some hacker has gotten into out servers?! What is the meaning of this?!" He shouted angrily. "Our company invested 50 million dollars in software engineers to ensure our data and records stay secure."

"I understand Mr. Thorn and we are trying to find out why this even happened in the first place. The engineers are currently reestablishing new systems to prevent this from happening again."

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