30 - Were Loved, Are Loved

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Today was the day

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Today was the day.

The day they'd be leaving for Paris.

Although there was the excitement of traveling looming in her heart, Raine's fear of flying was driving her mind crazy. In fact, she hadn't gotten an hour of sleep the night before.

Every time she'd shut her eyes, flashbacks of the past reappeared before her eyes, ripping her heart into pieces all over again.

And even though she was dreading going on this trip, there was nothing she could do to protect herself. It was her job to be with Xavier and assist him on these occasions and she couldn't let her phobia of flying get in the way.

Xavier Thorn >> Good morning Raine. This is just a reminder that the flight is going to be taking off later this afternoon so make sure you've got everything you need packed.

Raine Woods >> Morning Xav! I have everything ready and the bookings for Paris are all confirmed.

Xavier Thorn >> Great. I'll be coming by to recieve you with Jordon.

Raine Woods >> Sounds good.

After a quick reply, she tucked her phone away and got out of bed exhausted. There were bags under her eyes and traces of tears from the nightmares that had kept her wake all night.

As she looked in the mirror, she chringed hard at her appearance. She had to get her act together because there was no way she wanted Xavier to see her like this. She couldn't let him know what bothered her all night. She was afraid she'd scare him away.

* * *

Raine spent the majority of her day, calming her nerves down and preparing for the night. They would be staying in Paris for two nights and she needed to make sure she had everything she'd need and that when they arrived there, everything was planned to perfection.

Xavier never accepted anything less then perfect and even though he had a soft spot for her, she needed to make sure she delivered excellence.

It was late afternoon when the doorbell rang. Raine rushed to the front, opening the door to find Xavier standing in all his glory, dressed in a loose t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Jordon was standing behind him, dressed in usual his unform.

"Hello Raine." He greeted with a smile. "Shall we get going?"

"Yeah." Raine said, weakly smiling at Xavier and Jordon. "Let me get my luggage."

"Allow me, Raine." Jordon interrupted, walking towards her bags.

Xavier stared at Raine, noticing her dim face. She wasn't shining brightly like she had been every other day he'd seen her.

"You alright?" Xavier asked with concern.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I didn't get much sleep last night, that's all."

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