24 - Cabin in the Woods

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A whole week had passed by since Raine had joined Thorn Inc

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A whole week had passed by since Raine had joined Thorn Inc. Although her new job wasn't as simple as she expected it to be, she was finally getting the hang of it. And with Xavier's constant support, she was able to learn many new things about the company itself and the people it was associated with. However, while things at her new job we going smoothly, her old one was still a mess.

The cafe remained closed due to further investigations and also for renewal purposes. Daisy was constantly fighting with the insurance company to get her claim approved while Mike was pressurizing the police officers to finish the investigation as soon as possible. 

Cathy hadn't taken the news so well and that had Daisy even more worried about everything. Daisy had left Mike's house, but Mike did not fail to stand by her side in her time of need. He'd be with her at every police meeting they had and Daisy was slowing giving into his affection. Finally giving him the chance that he ached for, ever since he'd met her eyes. 

* * *

Bundled up in her covers, Raine was resting in bed on an early Saturday morning, watching the clouds drift across the sky. Mike had left a couple of minutes ago to hang out was Daisy and Raine was all alone, too lazy to get out of bed and do anything.

Her eyes drifted off to the boxes that were stacked across the wall in her room. Boxes that were full of memories that she was too afraid to unveil. Her sweetest memories were at the tip of her fingers, yet she lacked the strengthen to look back at them, leaving them hidden away forever, in the cardboard boxes that had now become their home. 

The sudden ringing sound coming from her phone had Raine's thoughts interrupted. Sighing, she crouched closer to the bedside table, leaning over to grab her buzzing phone. A grin crawled up on her face at the sight of her boss's name that was flashing brightly on the screen.

"Good morning Raine." Xavier greeted, his voice warm and inviting.

"Morning Xav." She said, followed by a soft yawn that managed to escape her lips.

"Still in bed, are we?" He asked in a voice full of amusement. 

"In my defense, this is my first weekend off in about two years! Let me enjoy sleeping in for once." Raine justified sweetly, to which Xavier simply laughed. 

However, Raine wasn't joking. Ever since she had moved out to New York, she'd been fighting to make ends meet. In a city so big and busy, an opportunity to grab even a dollar couldn't be lost. Especially when there were far too many bills to be paid. Breaks or vacations just couldn't be afforded.

"Is that so Miss. Woods?" Xavier questioned. "Well in that case, I'll apologize to you in advance."

Confusion swept over Raine's face. "Apologize for?"

"I might just have to steal you for the weekend." Xavier replied.

"What do you mean?" Raine asked, still unsure of his intentions.

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