37 - It was All a Lie

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Xavier was ready to take Raine home

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Xavier was ready to take Raine home.

After the doctors took final MRI and CAT scans, clearing Raine for a discharge, Xavier had already began preparations to bring Raine back home. His home.

"Jordon, call back home at tell Maria to get the master suite prepared for Raine's arrival." Xavier notified. "And tell her to move some of my belongings to the guest room right next to my room."

"Yes of course Mr. Thorn." Jordon agreed. "Your bedroom is the safest room in the house. It will be perfect for Raine."

"Exactly." Xavier nodded. "I'm taking no risks when it comes to Raine security. Make sure you alert the rest of the team to keep their heads up for any suspicious activities."

"I'm already on it." Jordon assured.

"Ok great, I'm gunna go get Raine. Why don't you complete the rest of the discharge procedures." He suggested before heading back to Raine's room.

"Are you ready?" Xavier asked softly as he watched Raine taking small steps out of the bathroom. The nurse had helped Raine change back into a new pair of clothes since she was still having troubles walking.

Xavier was quick to rush to her side, wrapping his arm around her waist as he led her back towards to bed, assuring the nurse away.

"Thanks." Raine said shyly, watching Xavier help her sit on the bed.

"Jordon's just finishing up the discharge forms. As soon as he's done, we can get out of here?" He asked gently.

Raine's felt a shiver run down her spine at the mention of returning back home. She couldn't go back to that place. Not when she knew that he was out there. He'd come back for her. He'd steal her away from Xavier and she couldn't bare that.

"Raine." Xavier said softly, cupping her face with his hands, noticing the discomfort in her eyes. "Raine, it's ok." He whispered, his warm breath fanning her face. "We're going home. My home, not the apartment."

"But" Raine started, only to be silenced by Xavier.

"No. You're staying with me from now on. I'm not letting you out of my sight."

"I can't, Xavier..." Raine whispered, turning her eyes away from him.

"You can." He refuted. "And you will. End of discussion." Xavier stated, leaving absolutely no room for argument.

Raine silenced herself, knowing well that if Xavier had made up his mind, she wouldn't be able to change it. And a part of her agreed with him. She had nowhere else to go and her apartment was a place she didn't want to see, let alone live at.

"Mr. Thorn, we're good to go!" Jordon announced, stepping into the room with paperwork in his hands.

"That's great." Xavier said standing up. "Go get the car ready. We'll be out in a bit."

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