22 - It's an Emergency

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"Well that was something

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"Well that was something." Raine said as she followed Xavier back into his cabin. Although the meeting had gone roughly, Xavier's mood was back to normal and Raine's couldn't be more thankful for that.

"You bet it was." Xavier said, pushing his chair out, and taking a seat.

Raine, tucked her hair back as she sat down in front of Xavier, propping up her iPad on his desk. "What would you like me to do with the notes? Shall I keep them for company records?"

"Not that they would be of much use, but save a copy of them and place them in the file with the documents you printed out earlier for the meeting. Here at Thorn Inc, paperwork is a crucial part of the job and I would like to have everything my company is associated with, in our records."

"Sounds good. I'll save all of these papers for you. Anything else?" 

"What else have I got on my schedule?" He said, raking his fingers through his hair.

"Apart from working on the annual profit report, you don't have anything else." Raine assured.

Xavier let out a deep breath before rubbing his face with both of his hands. Raine couldn't miss the stressed expression nor exhaustion that was evident in his form.

"Tired?" Raine asked gently.

"No, just pissed. Ethan is such a pain in the ass."

"I can tell." Raine laughed, before something caught her mind. "You knew his father?"

"Edward?" Xavier asked to which Raine nodded. "Yeah, of course I knew him. Our companies used to be on great terms. Edward was a savage when it came to business and having him as a guide helped me immensely when I took control over Thorn Inc."

"Really?" Raine asked with interest.

A subtle smile appeared on his face as he began speaking again. "Yeah. In fact, most of the things I know today when it comes to running a company, I've learned from him. He plays a major role in my personal success as well as the success of Thorn Inc. Interestingly enough, Edward always wanted to teach Ethan his business tactics, but Ethan never gave a damn. He was never interested in the company nor business in general." Xavier said shaking his head.

"It's such a shame. He doesn't realize how lucky his is, to have had a father who not only cared about him, but also made such an amazing company to secure his future." Raine said with a hint of sadness.

Here she was trying to make ends meet without any support or help. And Ethan, who had everything laid out for him on a silver platter, couldn't even respect the man responsible for his wellbeing.

"A part of me doesn't blame him though. He was dragged into this business without wanting in." Xavier spoke, staring into oblivion. "And he's not the only one."  He muttered ever so silently.

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