39 - Fairy Lights

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As the sun rose brightly on a new sunny day, Raine found herself waking up to the stunning view from Xavier's master bedroom, that overlooked the garden

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As the sun rose brightly on a new sunny day, Raine found herself waking up to the stunning view from Xavier's master bedroom, that overlooked the garden.

Crawling out of bed gently, Raine pulled herself up with the support of the bed, taking small steps towards the balcony.

Although most of her exterior injuries had recovered significantly, she was still have trouble keeping balance, and the headaches tortured her quiet often throughout the day.

Just the night before, Raine had almost dug up her own grave when she tried walking down the stairs on her own, only to be overcome with dizziness midway. Had Xavier not been there, she'd find herself waking up once more in the same hospital bed she had gotten out of.

And since then, Xavier had been hot on his heel to make sure Raine didn't put herself in any such situations.

Pushing the tall glass doors open, Raine allowed to cool morning breeze to flow through the room. Taking a couple of steps forwards, she leaned onto the stone railing, resting her head atop her palms as she took in the beautiful view.


The muffled voice coming from within the house was nonetheless Xavier's. Raine shook her head, smiling silently at Xavier's concern.

He was always looking out for her and although she found his protective side incredibly cute and sweet, she couldn't deny the fact that it was annoying at times.

Raine has spent a good chunk of her life independently and even though she loved the care and attention she received from Xavier, she also loved her independence.

"There you are." Xavier exclaimed from behind. "I was looking everywhere for you."

"Xavier..." Raine said, turning around. "I was just trying to get a breath of fresh air."

"You should've called me." Xavier suggested. "I could've taken you too."

"And shall I remind you for the billionth time, that I am very capable of using the two fine legs I currently possess?"

"And shall I remind you what happened the night prior?" Xavier remarked, talking slow steps towards her. "You've been told by the doctor to not put yourself in risky situations."

"A five second walk to the balcony is anything but risky." Raine refuted.

"But climbing down a marble staircase, unattended, in the middle of the night, most certainly is." Xavier shot back.

"Ok." Raine groaned. "My bad. I should've just called you for help."

"Damn right." Xavier said, resting his hand on her waist while pulling her close.

"Morning." Raine smiled, looking up into his crystal blue eyes that matched the morning sky perfectly.

"Morning Beautiful." Xavier said, pressing a kiss on her forehead before he scooped her into his arms, bringing her back inside, to the warmth of his room.

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