14 - Intruder Alert

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"Good morning Mike!" Raine said as she walked out of her bedroom ready in a fresh pair of clothes

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"Good morning Mike!" Raine said as she walked out of her bedroom ready in a fresh pair of clothes. After last night's dinner with Xavier, Raine returned home late and exhausted. Unfortunately, she couldn't sleep in this morning and was forced to wake up early to go to work. They only had a couple of minutes left before their shift began and Raine was ready to go. 

"Morning Raine." Mike said, letting out a yawn. Only then did Raine realize that he was still in his pajamas from the night before, laying on the couch amongst a pile of pillows and bundled up beneath a fluffy blanket.  

"Mike, the cafe opens in 20 minutes and you're still sleeping?!" Raine said as she pushed him off the couch, letting him fall to the grown with a load thud. 

"Ughhhh." Mike groaned as he rubbed his back, trying to stand back up. "Gosh women! What was that for?!" 

"We're getting late Mike!" Raine whined as she looked up at the clock to see the second hand moving a little too fast for her liking.

"Calm down Raine! Didn't you get Daisy's text?" Mike asked as he hunted for his phone that was somewhere under a dozen of pillows, blankets, and leftover popcorn from the night before. 

"What text?" Raine asked, frowning as she unlocked her phone to find a message from Daisy.

"The cafe is closed today. Daisy had to go out of town with Cathy to see some specialist doctor and the delivery guy didn't show up the day before anyways, so she just said that it's an off day." 

"What?! So I woke up early and got ready for no reason?" Raine said, tossing her bag to the side and sitting on the sofa. "I could've been sleeping all this time." 

"On the bright side, you're all ready to go!" Mike expressed, stretching his body that was sprawled out on the couch not to long ago. 

"I guess." Raine said closing her eyes. "Oh I know! I have to get a couple of things for myself. I might as well go shopping!" 

* * * 

It had been nearly monthes since Raine had been shopping. Her work schedule had always been crazy, never giving her time off to go out and explore the city. And whenever she had free time, money was always the issue. Fortunately, Mike's sweet offer to stay as his place, allowed her to save up her salary instead of using it up on the rent of her previous apartment. 

Just as Raine walked out of one of the stores, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. Moving all of her bags to one side, Raine reached into the pocket of her jeans to pull out her phone, expecting it to be from Xavier. 

Just the thought of hearing his voice had Raine excited. However, the excitement was quickly overtaken by confusion when she saw 'private number' displayed on her phone screen. Skeptical of whether to pick it up or not, Raine took the risk, swiping across the screen and answering the phone. 

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