35 - Just Keep Breathing

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The night sky was covered in a sheet of thick mist blocking the stars from shining

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The night sky was covered in a sheet of thick mist blocking the stars from shining. The faint outline of the moon glowed under the stormy clouds, announcing it's presence even in the darkest sky.

A chill ran down Raine's spine as she looked out at the vast city that lay before her. The traffic had lessened and the lights to the surrounding apartments had gone out hours ago. It was late but Raine's mind was in a frenzy, not allowing her to sleep.

Yawning for the millionth time, Raine pushed herself away from the window, forcing herself into her bed. Tomorrow was going to be a hectic day at work with all of the meetings Xavier had lined up and that last thing she wanted to do, was fall asleep in the middle of one.

The soft cotton sheets were invited as she slipped under her covers, pulling the soft blanket up to her chest. Her fingers reached up to the light switch, ready to turn it off when the dinging sound from her phone caused her to halt.

Grabbing her phone from the side table, Raine squinted at the brightly lit phone screen that had a single alert on the home screen.

"Another unknown number message?" She frowned, confused at this weird situation that was occurring to her, more frequently than normal.

Unknown >> Hello

Her confused expression turned even more confused and skeptical at the message. It was 1 AM, clearly no time to be saying hello to any one, let alone a complete stranger.

Sighing and clearly annoyed with this mysterious person who kept on texting Raine, she finally decided to get to the root of whoever this person was, if not, tell them that they were contacting the wrong person.

Raine Woods >> Who is this?

Raine Woods >> I think you've got the wrong number.

Raine waiting for a couple of seconds, thinking of all the people who had her number. When no one seemed to click in her mind, she yawned once more, before another message appeared on her phone.

Unknown>> It's definitely the right number. 

Raine Woods >> Who is this?

Raine texted back again. Clearly, whoever this person was, he or she was playing some sort of game that Raine definitely wasn't enjoying. A prank call or text. How mature, Raine thought.

Unknown >> Forgot me so fast Raine?

Raine Woods >> How do you know my name? 

Unknown>> Rainy Day, I can't ever forget you.

As soon as she read that text, her world came to a halt and the air from her lungs was knocked out as she collapse onto her bed in shock. It couldn't be true. A chilled shiver ran down her spine and her eyes seemed to be glued to the screen of her phone, her heart thumping loudly against her ribcage.

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