9 - Tomato Soup

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As the rays of sunlight crept through the curtains in Raine's room, Raine woke up with a sore body

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As the rays of sunlight crept through the curtains in Raine's room, Raine woke up with a sore body. The events from two nights prior had finally taken a toll on her body and she was left with a killer headache, while the rest of her body throbbed in pain. 

Her head felt heavy as she tried to pry herself out of bed, failing at her attempts. Sighing, Raine laid under her covers, staring at the clock mounted on her wall. According to Daisy, she was required to take two full days off from the cafe to rest. Although at first she had been reluctant, Raine was glad that Xavier had forced her to take the time off. By the was she was feeling, Raine doubt that she would even be able to get out of her bed on her own. 

Raine rubbed her hands on her face, flinching when she brushed over the bruised on her cheek. Grabbing her new phone that was resting on the side table, Raine opened up Safari, browsing through the news headlines of the morning. She was just finishing up an article when her phone dinged to a new notification. 

Seeing Xavier's name flash on the screen, a shy smile appeared on her face. 

Xavier Thorn >> Good Morning Raine. 

Blushing slightly, she quickly responded. 

Raine Woods >> Good Morning Xavier. 

Xavier Thorn >> Are you feeling any better?

Raine Woods >>  The pain is really setting in now. 

Xavier Thorn >> WHAT?! 

Xavier Thorn >> Are you alright?! 

Xavier Thorn >> Did you take your medicines?! 

Xavier Thorn >> Is it that bad?! 

Xavier Thorn >>  Did you not sleep well last night? 

Xavier Thorn >> Was it the nightmares?!

Xavier Thorn >> Say something Raine!! 

Raine laughed seeing the messages appear on her screen, one before the other. 

Raine Woods >> Relax Xavier. I'm alright. Just a little sore, that's all. 

Xavier Thorn >> I'm coming over right away. 

Raine Woods >> There is no need. I am fine and you're probably busy too. 

Xavier Thorn >> See you in 5. 

Raine set her phone back down and sighed, resting her hands on her face. The cuts on her arms stung as she moved and the headache that she had, clearly didn't make things better. She closed her eyes once more, allowing sleep to engulf her. 

It hadn't been long since Raine had fallen back to sleep, but she was awakened by the gentle knocking on the door. Mustering up all the strength she had left in her body, Raine took baby steps out of her bed and using the support of the walls, stepped into the living room, opening the front door. 

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