8 - Friends?

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"Be my friend

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"Be my friend."

Raine stared at Xavier in confusion and shock. Was what she was hearing even true? "Friend?"

"Friend." Xavier stated.

"Why do you want to be friends with me?" 

"So you're saying no." Xavier said, disappointment flashing through his eyes. 

"No! I mean yes! I mean no, I'm not saying no! I meant no to saying no. Which means yes to saying yes. So no no to saying yes. I'm saying yes. Yes?" Raine fumbled out, not making any sense, even to herself let alone Xavier.

"Raine, calm down. You don't have to say yes just because I saved you. I won't be offended if you refuse. Trust me it wouldn't be a first." Xavier said as he looked away from her eyes. It was true. Xavier hadn't had a true friend in a long time and it was partly his fault since he remained so closed off. 

But something about Raine made him change his perspective. Something about Raine made him want to open up. Though he had only met her a couple of days ago, he had established that there was something about the girl standing in front of him. Something had caused the buried up emotions to resurface in his heart. 

"Xavier..." Taking a deep breath and grinning brightly. "Yes. I would love to be your friend ."

Xavier's face brightened up as he looked at Raine, still in disbelief. "Really?" 

"Yes." Raine said with a confident voice. 

Xavier looked away from her face, a smile still lingering on his lips. "Great."

"Let me guess, you've never had a friend before?" Raine said as she laughed at Xavier's behavior. He had been acting like a teenager given a brand new car on his 16th birthday. 

"I have.....it's been a while though." Xavier said, meeting her eyes once more with a glint of embarrassment. 

"What do you mean?" Raine said, confusion evident in her tone.  

"People change." Xavier said with a sad smile. "Sometimes, the people you give your heart to, expecting they would protect it; those people end up being the ones to break it."

Noticing the hint of pain within Xavier's eyes, Raine decided not to push things. She turned her attention to the window of her apartment that overlooked the tall skyscrapers which lined the city. 

"New York is something, isn't it?" She said admiring the view. Although her apartment wasn't the best quality, it had a mind-blowing view of the city. 

Xavier too looked out the window, admiring the view. "It is." He said, his pained expression changing into a happier one. 

Just as Xavier was about to say something, there was a loud knock on the door. Both Raine and Xavier stood up and looked at each other, Xavier moving in front of Raine, almost as if defending her. However, relief washed over the both of them when they heard a familiar voice.

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