40 - Churros & Chocolates

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"Some coffee for m'lady!" Xavier announced, setting a cup of piping hot coffee in front of Raine

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"Some coffee for m'lady!" Xavier announced, setting a cup of piping hot coffee in front of Raine.

After the amazing date the night before, the two had woken up happier then ever.

It was late afternoon and Raine was nestled in a plush couch, lounging in Xavier's private library, while he finished up some work.

"Looks like the roles have been reversed." Raine replied, smiling at Xavier.

"Well, you're always making me coffee, I think it's due time I do the same for you." Xavier grinned.

Raine giggled, taking the cup into her palms, absorbing its warmth. "That's sweet, but I'll have you know, I'm not a fan of black, no sugar."

"How can I forget?" Xavier winked. "It's got plenty of sugar for a sweet girl like you."

"Mmmm." Raine said taking a sip. "That's good stuff."

"By the way, Jordon's coming over in a couple of hours to discuss some stuff." Xavier notified.

"Did something happen?" Raine asked anxiously. "Did they catch Malin?"

"No, they didn't." Xavier sighed with disappointment. "They will soon though. Don't worry about it Raine."

"Ok..." She mumbled, taking another sip of the coffee.

"You ok?" Xavier asked, a look of concern passing through his cobalt eyes.

"Yeah. It's just..." She sighed. "I don't know."

"I'm gunna sort this out, ok Raine." Xavier assured. "Trust me."

"I do." Raine whispered. "I just want it to be over."

"It will soon enough."

* * *

"Wanna make something?" Raine asked, stretched out on Xavier couch. He had been going through contracts in regards to the company for the last couple of hours, while Raine had drown herself in the world of books.

However, there was only so much a person could read.

"Make something?" Xavier asked, looking up from his papers at the beauty that was brightening up his rather dark library.

"Yeah! To eat!" Raine cheered

"You're hungry?" Xavier inquired. "Just tell me what you'd like to have. I'll have Maria make it right away."

"But I wanna MAKE something." She stressed.

"No." Xavier shook his head. "You need rest."

"I need rest from resting." Raine pouted.

"Ha ha, very funny." Xavier said, rolling his eyes. Although he hadn't ever had a problem saying no to people, Raine's big brown eyes were enough to get him to change his mind at one glance.

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