46 - Snow globe

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"What is all of this?!"

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"What is all of this?!"

Raine's voice echoed throughout Xavier's cabin as soon as she set foot inside, shocked at what lay in front of her.

The once spotless floor was covered in papers, old boxes, pictures, and many other smaller objects. Raine frowned when her eyes fell upon a box full of snow globes that were covered in a thick coat of dust. But that didn't stop her from rushing over and kneeling down, grabbing the first snow globe that her fingers touched.

"Xavier these..." She trailed off, not knowing what else to day.

But Xavier understood. He understood everything.

"Raine." He said, getting off of the floor and coming over to where she was sitting, placing a hand on her shoulders.

"The snow globe collection." She whispered. "Xavier, these are Mom and Dad's!"

"Yes Baby." Xavier nodded slowly.

"How did you get these?!" She asked, a desperate look in her eyes. "Where did you find all of these?!"

"That's not the only thing I found Raine." Xavier said. "All of this, it's all yours." He gestured towards the things that were scattered across his floor.

"Mine?" She questioned, glancing over at the pile of papers laying on the ground. Reaching her hand out, she grabbed one of the documents, reading it out load.

"Cyber Soft... Annual reports by Eden Woods... Technical report by Abby Woods..." She muttered, flipping through them. "Xavier, what is all of this?" She said standing up to face him.

Xavier remained quiet but guided her to his desk and seated her in his chair before propping himself on one knee and holding onto one of her hands in comfort.

"Raine, remember Dan Striker?" He broke the silent spell.

"The guy that lives at my house?"

"Yeah, him." Xavier nodded.

"What about him?"

"He called me yesterday." Xavier stated. "His wife came back home and when he told her about you and I visiting, she remembered that there was a box of old stuff in the attic that had been left in the house when they bought it. I asked Dan to send it over here. I thought you might want to have these things."

A tear trickled down Raine's cheeks. "Thank you so much, Xavier." She whispered. "Thanks for getting all of these things back to me."

"Raine, don't thank me." He shook his head. "If anything, it's the Striker's that we should be thanking. If they hadn't held onto these things, you wouldn't have ever been reunited with your belongings."

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