31 - Minty Macarons

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The sun crept through the cracks of the curtains, it's rays falling on the two souls that were sleeping amongst each other under a pillow of trust, a blanket of love and on a bed of friendship

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The sun crept through the cracks of the curtains, it's rays falling on the two souls that were sleeping amongst each other under a pillow of trust, a blanket of love and on a bed of friendship.


Xavier's soft voice brushed against Raine's skin. Her eyelids gently lifted, allowing her coffee brown orbs to shine before the man that admired them the most. A smile crawled onto Xavier's face, his blue eyes growing brighter, at the sight of Raine's own.

She scrunched her eyes in the cutest of ways, making Xavier's heart melt like snow on a bright sunny day, while she looked around the room.

Raine was still in the same position as she was the night before. Cuddled up in Xavier's lap, which had become her safe-haven over the last few days, she found herself looking up into his sapphire blue eyes.

"You ok?" He asked in a husky morning voice that Raine could easily get used to.

She shyly nodded. "I'm so sorry. I... I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." She said, trying to get off of him. However, Xavier held her in place, tugging her arms so she'd fall back on top of him.

"It's ok." He whispered, his mouth close to her ears, sending goosebumps across Raine's skin. His slight stubble brushed against her cheeks, tickling her.  "Stay."

Her struggle to leave his warmth, vanished in a fraction of a second as she found herself falling into his embrace. His calloused fingers unraveled from her wrists, instead circling around her waist, pulling her as close as he possibly could. Their legs were tangled with each other and the comforter was swaddled around their bodies, wrapping them up as if they were one.

Raine closed her eyes, resting her head against Xavier's chest, listening to his thumping heart.

"You're not alone, Raine." Xavier whispered, his voice so gentle, afraid that he'd disrupt the tranquility that was looming amongst them.

"I know." She whispered back, her eyes still closed as she enjoyed the melody of his heart.

They stayed in their position for a couple of moments longer before Xavier's phone went off. Raine quickly pushed herself off of him, scooting away and leaving Xavier frustrated. 

"Hello?" He said, answering the phone call with distaste. "I'll be there shortly." He notified before hanging the phone up hastily.

"Who was it?" Raine asked shyly, noticing Xavier's irritated posture.

"Jordon. I have to go talk to the managers." He said, tossing the covers aside as he got out of bed. "You stay here and rest. My chef will be here shortly to prepare breakfast for us."

* * *

Soon after Xavier got ready and left, Raine crawled out of bed and headed to the shower. The warm water felt amazing on her back as she let the rain pour over her head, washing away the reminiscence of the night before.

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