20 - Welcome to Thorn Inc

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There was a silence looming in the room as Raine and Xavier stood in the middle of the office

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There was a silence looming in the room as Raine and Xavier stood in the middle of the office. The tall panoramic windows displayed the hustle of the busy city, but it was nothing compared to the hustle in Raine's heart as she searched for an answer.

"Raine, trust me." Xavier insisted softly, encasing her small hands into his own. "Say yes."

His voice was dominating but not ever forceful. Not for once, did he impose his decision nor his power over her. It was merely a gentle request. As if he were asking a child politely for it's favorite toy, in return for an even better one.

"And if I'm not good enough?" Raine finally let out, her eyes searching Xavier's azure ones.

"You already are." He stated.

Maybe it was the confidence in his voice or sparkle in his eyes or even the soft smile lingering on his lips; but Raine felt her heartbeat fasten.

"And if I make a mistake?"

A chuckle escaped his mouth as he set both of his hands on her shoulders. "Raine, you're not a robot. I don't except you to be perfect. Hell, I'm not perfect myself! Do you really think I've never made a mistake? I make tons of them every day." Xavier stopped talking for a second, his eyes getting darker and his gaze on Raine, even more intense. "But one thing's for sure. Meeting you, was my favorite mistake."

A blush erupted on her cheeks as Raine took in each of Xavier's words. "I'll say yes but..."


"I have a condition."

"Whatever it is, I accept." Xavier said immediately.

"Xavier, has anyone taught you how to be patient?! Calm down." Raine said, playful scolding him. "At least hear me out."

"Ok fine." Xavier groaned childishly. "What's your condition Miss. Woods?"

"I want you to treat me like an employee and not your friend.....If there's anything I've learned, it's that relationships and business should always be kept separately."

There was a sadness in her eyes as she stared into oblivion. And like always, it didn't go unnoticed by Xavier, who always has an eye for every emotion concerning Raine. But to her luck, he didn't question her.

"Ok fine. I can do that."

"And I don't want any priories or anything. I know you want to help me, but I'll only take this job if you keep things fair and square." Raine demanded, trying hard to look intimidating as possible, to which Xavier smiled at.

"I can do that too." He said, the smile on his face growing wider by the second.


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