27 - Spiced Apple

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As soon as the car shifted to park, the security gaurds came rushing up, opening the door for Xavier to come out

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As soon as the car shifted to park, the security gaurds came rushing up, opening the door for Xavier to come out. However, just as the man started going to the other side to open the passenger door, Xavier raised his hand to stop him.

"I'll take care of it." Xavier said, buttoning up his coat. "Take care of the luggage in the trunk." He walked briskly around the car before opening the passenger door.

There, nestled in the seat of Xavier's SUV, was a sleeping Raine, curled into a ball on the leather seats. The faint lights of the driveway fell upon her innocent face, making her glow like an angel. Her hair was scattered behind her head and her arms were wrapped around her body in hopes of trapping in the warmth.

She had fallen asleep an hour ago and Xavier did not have the heart to wake her up from her precious slumber state, especially when he knew about her lack of sleep the previous night. In such circumstances, dropping her off at Mike's apartment in the middle of the night, didn't suit well with him, so instead, he brought her over to his house.

Carefully, he scooped the sleeping beauty into his arms, securing her perfectly before kicking the door shut. Gently, he blew air on her face blowing a strand of hair away from her gorgeous brown eyes that were currently hibernating behind her eyelids.

The guards held the door open for Xavier as he climbed up the stairs and brought her into his lavish mansion. Climbing the marble steps of his grand staircase, he made his way into one of the guest rooms that was besides his bedroom.

The bed was adorned in navy blue satin sheets, while the rest of the room had a gray hue to it. Xavier carried Raine in softly, afraid to wake her up before gently placing her onto the comfort of the bed. Tugging the shoes off of her delicate feet, Xavier pulled the covers over her body, wrapping her in a bundle of warm.

He tucked the loose bits of hair behind her ears and grazed the tips of his fingers over her soft pink cheeks. His eyes seemed to stay fixed on her sleeping figure before he finally decided to leave the room and get some rest himself.

* * *

"Raine?" Xavier asked, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the kitchen still dressed in gray sweatpants and a loose white v-neck, that revealed his toned chest.

After driving for endless hours the day before, Xavier had been exhausted and slept in later then he had expected. However, when his eyes had finally pried open, his thoughts zoomed right over to Raine. Hastily getting out of bed, Xavier had made his way to the guest room, confused when he found an empty bed and a missing Raine.

"Morning Xavier!" Raine replied cheerfully. She was still in the clothes from the day before but her hair was pulled up in a bun that sat on the top of her head. An apron was pulled around her waist as she floated around the luxurious kitchen.

"Good morning." Xavier yawned. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was up early and thought about cooking breakfast."

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