36 - I Just Need You

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The world worked on a beautiful axis, spinning perfectly around the sun

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The world worked on a beautiful axis, spinning perfectly around the sun. The moon spun around the earth and the earth spun around the sun. No matter what happened, the universe would never break it's pattern.

Each day, no matter how bad, only lasted 24 hours. And once that time was done, a new sun would rise on the horizon, washing away everything, yet nothing.

The sun had set over the horizon just as many times as it had risen the following morning. Yet no new day was able to bring back the light that once glowed in Raine's eyes.

It had been two weeks since Xavier's world had shattered completely, the moment he brought Raine's lifeless body to the hospital. Two weeks since he saw her chocolate brown orbs smiling up at him. Two weeks since he had heard the melody of her voice. Two weeks since he had smiled.

When Raine arrived at the hospital, she wasn't breathing, nor was there a pulse.

The doctors had to work wonders to revive her, putting her under a heavy dose of medication to help her body fight and heal all of the wounds that had been tattooed all over her body.

Xavier hadn't left the hospital. Not for a day, not for an hour, not even for a minute.

The company that had been his top priority ever since forever, now meant nothing to him.

Jordon had called Cindy back from Toronto to manage the company, setting aside all of Xavier's meeting and halting all of the deals that were waiting on Xavier's approval.

Jordon had also tried hard to get Xavier to come home, even for a night, but Xavier did not budge. He couldn't leave the hospital. He couldn't leave Raine.

"Mr. Thorn, I can stay here with Raine while you go and catch some rest." Jordon convinced. "I assure you, no harm will come her way."

"No." That was all Xavier ever said. "I won't leave Raine, not even for a second. If you or the others would like to leave, then be my guest." He stated, leaving no room for argument.

Because of Xavier's presence at the hospital, Jordon had arranged a full security team to secure the building, paying full attention to any person that stepped within the boundaries of the hospital.

It was the talk of the town. Xavier Thorn, the CEO of the most powerful company in all of America, a man who never took a single day off of work, was on a leave with no signs of returning.

Although he knew he had responsiblilties, he couldn't seem to accept that they would be anything more then what Raine meant to him.

"Mr. Thorn?"

Xavier raised his head to find the doctor waiting patently for him.

"Dr. Khan." Xavier said, standing up from his seat.

Dr. Khan had been the one to treat Raine as soon as she entered the hospital that night, covered in blood and barely alive. He'd done his best to treat her, but to Xavier, even that wasn't enough.

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