52 - Bang!

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The smile on Brooks' face grew wider as he pulled the shiny black gun from his coat, handing it over to Killian

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The smile on Brooks' face grew wider as he pulled the shiny black gun from his coat, handing it over to Killian.

Meanwhile, Malin's eyes grew wide with fear. He threw himself in front of Killian, trying to snatch the gun away. After all of the time he had spent to get her back, he wouldn't let all the hard work go to waste.

"Boss! You said I got to keep the girl!" Malin said trying to pull the gun from his hands. "You can't kill her! She's mine!"

"Get out of here!" Killian shouted, pushing Malin off his arms before hitting his head with the bottom of the gun. Malin crumbled to the floor in an instant, his eyes rolling back.

"Fucking lunatic," Brooks muttered, kicking Malin's unconscious body to the side of the room.

"Now where were we?" Killian grinned, turning back to Raine who was silently watching the scene unfold before her eyes.

This was it. The moment that she'd leave this cruel world once and for all. Her eyes were red and her body numb. The only thing that she could feel was the loud sound of her heart thumping against her chest.

Her heart that beat for Xavier. Her Xavier that she would finally have to let go of.

"Any last words?" He asked, loading the weapon that would soon end her life.

They took her silence for weakness and began to laugh. Brooks and Killian believed that they had finally won this dirty game that they had begun playing far too long ago.

She had given up her heart to Xavier and maybe after she died, she could live through him. But that would be selfish and she didn't want that. She didn't want to tie him down in her love that she wasn't ever able to complete. She wanted to set him free into a world of happiness.

"No." She shook her head, looking down to the ground and closing her eyes.

Memories of Xavier played behind her closed lids and she smiled.

But as she waiting for the bullet to leave the body of the gun and pierce her soul, all she got was a calm silence that lasted no more than a few seconds. Heavy footsteps were heard from behind the closed doors, padding closer and closer.

Panic took over Killian and Brooks' face, but before they could make any moves, the door burst open, flying off its hinges and crashing to the floor with a loud thud.

Raine's eyes flew open in panic, but everything seemed to disappear when she saw the man that was standing in the doorframe, dusting his suit off with his jaws clenched and his ocean blue eyes locked on Killian in the deadliest glare.

"I have one," Xavier said, dusting his coat as he gave Killian the side eye. "I hope you go to fucking hell."

"Well, well, well," Killian smirked. "Look who it is."

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