41 - Salty Air

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California's salty air, sandy beaches, and rolling lush green hills were only a short flight away from New York

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California's salty air, sandy beaches, and rolling lush green hills were only a short flight away from New York. Unlike the previous flight however, Raine wasn't afraid. And how could she be, when her mind was filled with so many thoughts that were bombarding in her head like fireworks on Forth of July.

Home. That's where Raine was finally going.

The place that she grew up in, the place that homed all of her precious memories with her parents. It had aways been special for her. But it was tainted. Tainted with the harsh memories that haunted her dreams. Tainted with the voices of people who caused her pain.

It was funny how something filled with so much love, could be changed into something filled with so much pain.

A place known as a beachy paradise, had so easy turned into a barren desert.

"You ok?" Xavier asked, putting his arm around her back as he pressed his lips to the side of her forehead.

As soon at her foot touched the runway of the San Francisco International Airport, Raine was left speechless. The cool wind swept through her wavy hair, making it flow past her shoulders. The bright blue sky scattered with fluffy clouds stole her breath. The green rolling hills in the distance dotted with houses caught her attention. But most importantly, the salty air, that glided atop the choppy turquoise ocean, was all it took to take all of Raine's pains away and put a smile on her face.

"Yeah." She breathed out, satisfying Xavier's concern who had been trying hard during the duration of the flight to make her smile.

"Mr. Thorn, Raine the car is ready to take you to the hotel." Jordon stated. "You'll be staying in San Francisco this night, as it is too late for you to travel to Raine's childhood house. Tomorrow, your driver, along with security will escort you to your desired locations."

"You aren't coming with us?" Raine asked immediately in confusion.

"No." Xavier answered for Jordon.

"I do apologize Raine, I will not be able to make it with you and Mr. Thorn in your ventures to your house." Jordon stated. "It is imperative that I head over to Sacramento to dive at little deeper into Malin Hadleigh's background as well as that of his father."

"Also, I do not find it safe for you to be anywhere near Malin's whereabouts." Xavier inputted.

"Mr. Thorn is correct. Although we weren't able to trace his location, nor flight details of him entering or leaving New York, it is safe to say that Malin would go to a safe location. And what location is safer then the house of one's father who happens to be California's biggest lawyers."

"Ok." Raine mumbled. "So it's me and you." Raine looked up to Xavier. "Just us, going h-home."

"Yes." Xavier said, squeezing her hand. "We can look for any evidence at your house while Jordon gathers up whatever he can find... Is that ok with you?"

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