43 - Mission Impossible

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In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.
— Lewis Carroll

"Good morning, Girlfriend!" Xavier's husky morning voice greeted Raine as she opened her eyes early morning

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"Good morning, Girlfriend!" Xavier's husky morning voice greeted Raine as she opened her eyes early morning.

The sun was perched up midways in the sky, painting the sky a mellow blue color, reminding her of Xavier's eyes.

Raine blushed, burying her face into the pillow as she smiled to herself.

Xavier smirked, making his way from the doorframe to her bed, his body only covered by the navy blue sweats that hung off his chiseled waist. His abs glistened in the sunlight, his hair tamed in the perfect sexy bed-head look.

He reached out, pulling the blanket off her body and tossing it onto the ground before wrapping both of his arms around her waist, lifting her face out of the pillow and dropping her into his lap.

"Don't hide that beautiful face from me." He whispered in her ears. "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright." Raine yawned.

"That's good. I need you well rested." He kissed her forehead.

Raine yawned again. "But I'm done resting. I wanna do something fun." She pouted.

"Well lucky for you Babe, we're gunna be doing some exciting stuff today."

"Really?!" Raine said excitedly.

"Yes." Xavier nodded. "We have a very important mission to do today. It might be risky but it's crucial that we get it done. It may provide us with all of the information we need. I hate the idea of putting you in a risky situation, I need you for this. I'm gunna be with you every step of the way, though. Just know that."

"What do you mean?" Raine asked, nervousness swirling into her voice.

"We have to go into the lion's den." Xavier said, watching Raine frown in confusion. "We have to go to Charles' office."

"What?!" Raine said, pushing herself off Xavier.

"Calm down, Raine." Xavier said softly, tugging on her hand so that she could fall onto the bed. "I would never never put you in any dangerous situations. Trust me on this."

"But why... why do we have to go there?" Raine asked him hesitantly.

"I talked to Jordon this morning and he told me that Charles' house didn't have anything that crucial to the case." Xavier explained. "But he did say that Charles has another law firm in San Francisco. I think we should give it a shot."

"But you said he wasn't even here."

"He's not." Xavier nodded. "And that's why this is the perfect opportunity to look for evidence."

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