5 - I Got You Girl

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Upset. Moody. Depressed. That's exactly how Raine was feeling right now. 

Yesterday, after waiting eagerly practically all day long, Xavier had not returned. There was never a day he missed going to the coffeeshop and something about his absence made Raine feel almost lonely. She had grown accustomed to having Xavier come around, giving her sweet smiles and asking for her suggestions.

Her mind was basically flooded with weird emotions all day long. And that was driving her crazy. So crazy that she ended up with a nasty headache. It wasn't long before Daisy noticed her struggling to focus and asked about her welbeings. Concerned, she sent her back home to rest. 

Yesterday night was Daisy's flight to Chicago. Raine was very happy that she was finally getting a chance to fulfill her mother's dream. Ever since Cathy's health got worse, all of the profits from the cafe went directly into her hospital bills and no matter how much Daisy tried to arrange a trip to Chicago for her mom, she always failed. But her dream was finally coming true and Raine couldn't help but be happy for them. 

* * *

Today was a fresh new day. Raine's headache was better but her mood was still the same. It had been hours since they opened but Xavier was no where to be found. Ignoring his absence, Raine continued her work with full dedication. Mike had come early in the morning to open, giving Raine a couple extra minutes to sleep in. Nevertheless, the cafe was packed as ever the minute Raine set foot inside, causing her to jump straight back into work.

The whole day had passed with 0 customers complaints and about 17 coffee spills. Both Raine and Mike were proud of their accomplishment and hoped that Daisy would be just as happy. Mike had been trying hard to win her heart and felt that this was the perfect oppertunity to earn her trust. 

"You think Daisy will be impressed?" Mike asked Raine, scratching his head, as they sat on the chairs of the now empty cafe. There was still a couple of minutes left before Mike had to leave for his second job.

"I'm sure she will be!" Raine said in a reassuring voice. "Mikey, you don't have to worry! Give her some time and she'll notice how amazing you are! And plus, you know she's preoccupied with Cathy right now."

"I hope you're right Rainy." Mike sighed as he looked around the cafe. "It sure is quiet here without Daisy." 

A smile grew on Raine's face. "Yeah, that's cause she's always talking, laughing, or singing around in the cafe! But don't worry Mike, she's going to be back before you know it tomorrow!" 

And that was enough for a small smile to appear on Mike's face. He hadn't be lucky when it came to love in the past. But ever since his eyes had fallen on Daisy, he had been completely head over heels for her. Too bad she was too blind to see it, and if she did see it, she chose to ignore it. 

"Ok Raine, I have to head out for my new shift. Is there anything you want me to do before I leave?"

"No Mike, all I have left to do is check the inventory, mop the coffee spill from those little children earlier today, and do the closing. I'm sure I can manage!"

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