26 - Maple Syrup

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"Shall I call you Mr

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"Shall I call you Mr. Thorn or Chef Thorn?" Raine announced as she walked into the kitchen, causing Xavier to turn around.

Her face no longer held any trances of the painful night she had gone through and her eyes were beaming with joy, masking away all of the emotions that had been squeezed out of her, in the past few hours.

Xavier flashed her with a heart warming smile, satisfied that she had returned to her original happy state. "Whatever you'd like." He replied quickly, before turning his attention back to the stovetop.

Although he wasn't thrilled about not knowing what had caused Raine's nightmares or the meaning of last night's episode, he didn't have a choice but to accept her decisions. She wasn't ready to open up the doors to her heart and reveal her pain to Xavier.

He wanted her to tell him the truth but never due to force or pressure. He wanted her to tell him when she, herself, felt fully ready.

Flipping up the last pancake, Xavier grabbed a plate, stacking the cakes onto the dish before serving them to Raine with a proud expression on his face. "I hope you like 'em."

"Pancakes!" Raine said smiling joyfully. "You do have maple syrup?"

"Um...." He began, turning around and going through all of the paper bags that were lying on the counter. "Here it is!" He said, pulling out a small bottle of maple syrup. "I stopped by at the grocery store yesterday before picking you up. Thought we'd need a few supplies if we're spending the night here."

"Perks of hanging out with the genius." Raine said with a smile.

"I wouldn't say I'm a genius, but we all know I'd be lying." Xavier smirked.

"Ha ha, every funny!" Raine fought back with sarcasm. "Now give me my maple syrup."

Xavier handed Raine the tiny bottle of syrup and she quickly took it. A smile crawled up on Xavier's face as he watched Raine drown her pancakes in a lake of syrup.

"Do I sense a maple syrup addict here?" He replied in amusement.

"Hey!" Raine protested. "Everything's better with maple syrup."

Xavier shook his head and chuckled before turning back to the stove and pouring out some more batter into the sizzling pan.

"So what time is the charity event?" Raine asked, taking a bite of the pancakes that Xavier had made.

"It's later this afternoon." Xavier replied, flipping the last batch of pancakes onto a plate and turning off the stove. "It's about an hour from here with the slippery roads and all." He said, drizzling maple syrup over the cakes before digging his forking into them and popping them into his mouth. "We'll be leaving in about two hours."

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