25 - Promise?

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Raine circled around the small room, taking in the rustic views of her cottage for the night

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Raine circled around the small room, taking in the rustic views of her cottage for the night. Xavier smiled, watching Raine's reaction with a content feeling in his heart. Although he was nervous of what her reaction would be to the small little cabin which was nothing like his house in New York City, Raine's glittering eyes as she observed the room, were enough to prove that she liked it.

"It appears to me, that you had doubts." Xavier spoke. Raine turned around, watching as Xavier entered the cabin, rolling in the last of the bags.

"What can I say?" Raine shrugged playfully. "You're quiet unpredictable."

Xavier chuckled as he shut the door, locking the chilled air out of the cozy cabin. Rubbing his hands together, he scanned the room, until his eyes fell on the pile of firewood, laying near the stone fireplace.

"Let me get the fire started so we don't freeze to death." Xavier announced as he walked towards the fireplace.

Raine nodded silently, watching Xavier work the fire. Her eyes took in the various aspects of the cozy little cabin. After a couple of attempts, Xavier had finally gotten the fire to burn, allowing warmth to flood through the cabin.

"Give it like 20 minutes and the room should warm up." Xavier assured to Raine who was blowing hot air into her palms and rubbing them together.

"Y-yeah" Raine said shivering. "When was the last time someone came here?" Raine asked with curiosity.

"Well, since my father no longer lives, no one." Xavier said, scanning his eyes over the small room.

"I can tell! It's so cold in here." Raine replied, her arms wrapped firmly around her body as chills passed through her spine. "I'm gunna turn into an icicle by tomorrow morning." She said teasingly.

"I apologize. I really didn't think this through. I should have just booked rooms at the hotel. It would have been a lot more comfortable, especially after that long drive." Xavier said letting out a breath. "I just....I thought you would like it here. You were telling me that you used to camp out in the woods with your parents when you were younger and...."

"Xavier." Raine smiled. "First of all, I absolutely love this cabin and it's way better then any hotel you could have taken me to." Her eyes shined with appreciation. "And second of all, that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"It's nothing." Xavier said waving it off. "I just wanted to make you smile the same way you did when you told me about that memory."

Raine moved towards him, taking his big hands into her smaller ones. Although it was freezing, his hands still held warmth to them. A warmth that Raine found herself melting into. "Thank you."

Xavier's heartbeat rose as he found himself drowning in her pristine brown eyes. Her radiant smile was all he had wished for when he brought her here. And seeing it playing perfectly on her lips was enough to make his heart skip a beat. 

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