53 - Fix it with a Kiss

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Have you ever stood by the coast? Where the sand meets the water? Watching as wave after wave, the salty water comes to shore, just to get a touch of the cool sand before slipping away

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Have you ever stood by the coast? Where the sand meets the water? Watching as wave after wave, the salty water comes to shore, just to get a touch of the cool sand before slipping away.

Have you ever wanted to hold it? Keep the water within your grasp for just a second longer? But it slips away just as fast as it comes. Away for your grasp. Away from you.

Have you ever wanted to prevent it? Prevent the water from meeting the shore for just a second longer? Wanting the sand to dry up and the shells to sparkle just for a bit more time before the waves wash everything away once more?

But that can never happen. No matter how much you try to stop the waves, they'll always come, washing away everything as they do.

The waves are untamable.

And like these waves, was time.

We all surf around, riding days like surfers ride the waves. It can't be tame nor can it be controlled. You can't hold onto a moment a second longer nor can you stop another moment from happening. Like the waves, time is an experience. Untamable.

And with that, Xavier felt her slip away. He wanted to hold on, but he couldn't. He wanted to prevent the pain, but he couldn't. He wanted to keep her in his arms forever, he wanted to stop the sorrows of her life, but he wasn't in control. No one was.

She was leaving him like the waves leave the shore, but unlike the waves, he didn't know if she'd ever come back.

* * *

"How is she?" Jordon asked Xavier, seating himself next to the man who had been crying a river since the moment he'd gotten there.

It had been a few hours since Raine was brought into the hospital and Xavier had been waiting for any sense of reassurance, while Jordon handled everything else.

If Charles' death had failed to make a frenzy on the news networks, the arrest of Killian Hawthorne, also known as Edwardo Tenzinini the ghost mafia boss on the world's most wanted list, had done the job just right.

But if that wasn't enough news for the media to feast on for a couple of days, Xavier's name, alongside Thorn Inc's name had been dragged into the situation as well.

With the additional arrest of Brooks Smith, who had public ties with Thorn Inc, the media hadn't failed to find a way to drag Xavier into this big mess.

But Xavier didn't give a damn about any of it. What pissed him off the most was the fact that Raine had been dragged into the situation.

Speculations about Xavier's mystery girl had been arising every day. But as soon as a picture of a woman getting transported to the hospital with Xavier by her side showed up online, the media was taking no chances in trying to find the identity of the girl that had been a part of the scandal.

News reporters had been camping outside of the hospital for hours, trying to sneak their way in for an exclusive story.

Thankfully, Jordon was on the job, setting up high security at every entrance of the hospital, to be sure that no one got in to make such a critical situation into Friday night's gossip.

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