Chapter One

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{Edited & Rewritten}

Fun fact: NejixTenten shippers, it ain't happening in this book.


Chapter One
"courtesy to oor wee server"


IT WAS TWO WEEKS AGO THAT MARKED THE 7th YEAR, since Orphaned Miwa Uchiha hadn't seen her home nor her family. Seven long and heartbreaking years of hopeful waiting and longing, for someone to find her, to show her that she hadn't been forgotten, only brought on the heartbreak flowing through her as each year passed. Even when a rumour surfaced about an Uchiha living up in the mountains, no one came looking.

Two weeks ago was also the date she had been rescued by a squad of ninja, three years ago.

The current day wasn't a very particular special day in the small village in the mountains where Miwa resided. To her, it was just another working day at the bar restaurant she worked at, serving the local drunks and criminals greasy food. Despite working at the rundown place, it was the only thing that kept her sane in this village. Some of the locals acted like the regulars and the servers were apart of a big dysfunctional family, so when there would be any foreign visitors that got too rowdy around Miwa and the other servers, they'd protect them all.

To Miwa it was a pleasant feeling, being apart of a family, even if the members of that family ranged from sort of sane to completely insane.


She used to dream about her older sibling and twin, coming to rescue her, however before she could reach them in her dreams she'd wake up and discover that they never came. She hasn't had that dream for years now.

After she had been rescued from the evil place she had been prisoner in, it hadn't taken her long to hear about what her eldest brother had done to their clan from a traveling ninja. That's when the rumour started about there being another Uchiha alive, because after she had found out about her clan, her sharingan activated involuntary.

Deep down, she couldn't hate her eldest brother. He had done something so despicable and yet she couldn't bring it upon herself to resent him. Her brother adored their village and the clan, more so the village. He loved peace, he adored his siblings. So she struggled to believe he was so malicious.

Not long after she had found out about her clan, she discovered who had kidnapped her when she was a child, he was some sort of power hungry mad scientist that the world used to respect because of his war efforts. That man had used and done things to her for years until she was rescued, ever since then, she chose to stay at the village and worked all sorts of easy jobs up until last year when the pub restaurant owner offered her a job.

Her shift had been quite so far, so she was helping Marg the Owner by cleaning the pint glasses until she was disturbed by the other reason that kept her sane.

"Hiya wee lass, how's ma favourite wee lady dae-ing?" A smile plastered on MIwa's face at the sound of a strange accent, she looked over her shoulder, it was Daichi. He was the leader of the team that had rescued her, he was a regular customer and acted like a parental figure for her. He looked all grubby and was still in his uniform, by the looks of it he had come straight to the bar instead of going home.

"Dai! How are you? Did your mission go to plan?" Miwa beamed happily up at the man as she greeted him, leaning up again the bar to give him a hug.

"Mi, I'm daeing great an' the mission was a success!" He heartily laughed at the girl until he remembered why he had come to the bar straight after the mission he was on "Want tae tell me why a had tae find oot aboot the incident that happened while a was away, fae Mad Shiron?" Miwa's face went blank for a moment as she registered what he said, trying to understand what he was saying before she sweat dropped and glared at the group in the corner of the bar, Mad Shiron hangs out with them.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now