Chapter Forty-Seven

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These past few months had done a number on him, he was terrified that the worst had happened to Miwa. He tried his best not show his fear by busying himself in the search and rescue teams and planning strategies with Shikaku Nara, but when he was alone in his quarters that's when it all came crashing down on him.

The nights when Hinata or Neji were away were the hardest, as he would be filled with worry as he wondered if they'd bring her back. He kept it to himself after all he still had his youngest daughter to worry about, Hanabi still needed her training.

To Hiashi and a few other Hyuga the compound seemed a little grim, it was forever in the shadows hiding from the light of the sun. Miwa brought a light to the serious clan, she never failed to make them laugh, even if they didn't show that they found her amusing they still enjoyed the brightness she brought with her.

He didn't want to admit it but he was beginning to lose hope, he tried to find Miwa, heck he even lead the first 10 rescue missions because Miwa was - had become apart of his clan, she was like another daughter to him. He was ordered by the clan elders to stop taking part in the rescue missions because his health was beginning to deterirorate, but no one could blame him for it after all Miwa was apart of their clan.

Hiashi was worried, they had to cut rescue missions a few months ago, he had to pull Neji and Hinata out for stand-by as two Akatsuki Members had attacked Shikamaru and his team which unfortunately resulted in the death of Saratobi Asuma. Neji and Hinata needed to be there for their friend, and Miwa had to wait.

Throwing down his reading glasses Hiashi sighed heavily and put his pen down, Shikaku Nara looked over at his old friend and refilled his whiskey glass "A penny for your thoughts?" He asked the Hyuga who looked over at him tiredly.

"I'm afriad that with all the thoughts running rampage through my head, I won't have enough pennies to pay you with" Hiashi muttered as took a swig of his whiskey and hissed at the strong taste.

"It's tough, but everything will work out" Shikaku says gruffly, taking a swig from his beer bottle, Hiashi let out a saracstic laugh.

"Tough it is but I feel that Tsunade will be having an even tougher time with Daichi" Shikaku had to laugh, Daichi had been very persistant on meeting with the Hokage everyday, their arguments lasted weeks and weeks.

As quick as it came the laughter disappeared "She's alive, right?" Shikaku turned to look back at his friend who was staring intently at the map on the table with different red pins that marked the locations of where they searched and blue pins of where there was possible sightings.

Shikaku didn't answer Hiashi "Neji and Hinata will be back any time today, they had a week to search maybe they found something" Hiashi noticed that his friend never answered his question.

"Maybe..." Nothing more was said between the two, they carried on filing through reports of Miwa and placing or unplacing pins, both held a heavy heart with each sighting report. Hiashi prayed for his ancestors to keep Miwa safe, but then he cursed them for allowing her to be taken away.

That's how things went for the next two hours until it had reached the early evening, Hiashi was still cursing his ancestors in his head but that didn't stop him and Shikaku to plan the next rescue mission if the recent one would turn out to be a failure like the others.

He looked out the door, into the garden dusk was approaching them, his daughter and nephew would be returning soon. He cleared his throat and nodded at Shikaku who looked up and nodded back before going back into his work.

Hiashi stood up and left the room, he needed to get away from the stress and take a break. He often took his breaks by the tree where Miwa would read under (Yes she reads, but it's mainly books on poisons).

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