Chapter Fourteen

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"Miwa? Why are you still in bed?!" A young dark haired boy crossed his arms in huff as he yelled at his sister, who was laying in bed with a warm cloth over her head and the blankets up to her chin. The boy had just come back home for some lunch, he then realised that he hadn't seen his sisters which lead him to coming up to their room.

Miwa sniffed before answering "Saccy, I'm not feeling well, Big Brother 'tachi said that I have the flu" The tiny girl piped out before letting out a chesty cough causing her brother to frown and walk to the other side of her bed, climbing onto it and pulling the covers over himself and readjusts it for Miwa.

"Okay Mina, we can stay here for the rest of the day" Sasuke muttered lovingly as he wrapped his arms around her, making her smile brightly before she realised something and frowned, pulling back slightly to look up at her brother.

"B-But what about Kunai? You were excited cause 'tachi was gonna help" The sick girl whimpered solemnly, looking down in shame. Sasuke took on look at his sister and laughed lightly.

"Aish! You baka, you're way more important....Itachi can wait." Sasuke muttered as he pulled his sister back into his arms and tucked her in bed again before he snuggled up next to her.

...And that's how the two youngest Uchiha spent the rest of their day, playing with toy kunai or snuggling until they both fell asleep. Sasuke was the one that had actually fallen asleep, but they both held onto each other tightly.

Itachi wasn't surprised when Sasuke had stood him up for their practice, from what his Kaa-san had told him, the little lady was under the weather. So when he went to search for them back at their family home, his heart warmed when he opened their room door.

Sasuke was out for the count as he held his death grip on his sister, Itachi smiled over at Miwa when he noticed that she was awake and stringing her fingers through Sasuke's hair. Feeling slightly left out Itachi walked over to his siblings and climbed in next to them, Miwa felt squished. Sasuke on one side pulling her closer to him and Itachi on the other.

Itachi looked down at his younger sister and raised a hand to her forehead before moving to her hair, caressing it lightly. Miwa smiled and snuggled closer to her older brother, Itachi pulled the covers over all of them before making himself comfortable.

"Mmhm? 'tachi-chan?" Miwa mumbled cutely in a tired tone, her hand slipping from Sasuke's hair as her big brother stroked her head to help her sleep.

"Hush now. Sleep, my black calla lily" Then she was out like a light and soon enough, so was Itachi.

A few hours later Uchiha Mikoto went up to the twins room and peeped her head through the door in curiosity, it was extremely quiet and she couldn't find her eldest anywhere. When the woman noticed all three of her babies, she couldn't help but smile and feel emotional.

If one thing was right in this clan or word, it was that she was raising her boys right, the way they looked after her daughter made her heart warm. Mikoto smiled wider as she thought about the future.

'Ah, there's no way she's getting a boyfriend...' Mikoto smiled sadly at the thought before sighing deeply 'Both Sasuke and Itachi aren't interested in relationships'

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now