Chapter Twenty-One

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Miwa's POV

I sigh sadly as I rest my head in the interrogation table, Ibiki and Anko just left for a break since we've been at this for hours.

Okay to briefly summarise why I'm currently strapped to an uncomfortable metal chair is that I've been betrayed but one pink haired shitebag. As well as mam hunted down in the forest where I collapsed and fell unconscious. That was two days ago, and I woke up to find myself here – strapped in this wretched chair.

I'm in for it big time, because as it turns out Ibiki had some people watch me for awhile. Since Tenten and her two delinquent friends told the whole village, I'm an Uchiha that just gave Ibiki even more of a reason to interrogate me.

I hope Neji is okay and by the way Shikamaru reacted, Neji had already filled the boy in. And he stayed with me and Neji. I smile softly then wince, Anko thought it would be fun to burst my lip. Gotta love that crazy woman don't cha.

The news has probably gotten to Sasuke right now, I try and picture him in his cell punching holes in the walls yelling about how stupid Tenten is. Also that I'm not an Uchiha, this makes me laugh lightly, my twin is such an idiot.

"You know for a person of your situation you shouldn't be laughing right now"I hear the raspy voice of the voice bellow, I chuckle again.

"Oh Nana Tsunade! What a surprise!" I say gleefully, my head still on the table, I hear suck in a breath. I can practically feel her glare.

"So you have finally revealed your parentage" Tsunade taunts, I frown at her. I didn't admit to nothing.

"What makes you so sure I am an Uchiha? You have no prove other than the accusations of some bun haired bimbo and her disciples" I tell her, still not moving.

I hear quick short footsteps my way before two hands slam onto the table, splitting it in two. I let out an irritated sigh before looking up meeting Tsunade's gaze.

"Damn it Miwa give up this god damn act already! You've been caught" she yells angrily, hands on her hips. I ignore and instead look at my surroundings, Ibiki and Anko came back and look here they've brought some friends with them.

"Ah! Yamanaka-San! Nara-San! Good to see you!" I say cheerfully, smiling as I go. They just look at me unimpressed and ignore me.

Hn fine then.

"Miwa as your Hokage I order you to answer me!" Tsunade yells pointing one finger at me. I simply shrug and nod my head.

"Eh got nothing else to do" I say shaking my left wrist in the air, or trying to. Tsunade just glared at me.

"What are your plans for the Leaf?" She asks sitting in the chair opposite me, there would have been a table but she kind of destroyed that.

"Nothing" she frowns at me.

"Why are you here?"

"Team 7 brought me back from a mission" I tell her slowly as if she was dumb.

"Why did you keep it a secret that you where an Uchiha?" I look at her for a moment before sighing in defeat.

"No one asked" Tsunade looked at me surprised by my answer.

"The council did"

"Yeah but who actually tells the council the truth? Or answer their stupid questions?" I ask her, she just looks at me not saying anything.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now