Chapter Eight

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Many things had happened since Miwa's arrival to the village, Konohagakure. Miwa had left so many different things about all sorts of things, she had met a lot of people: some nice, some mean and some who weren't worth mentioning. Despite not having lived in the village for long, Miwa had also made some unforgettable memories, the Uchiha family reunion from the other day was the perfect example. The unforgettable part of that day was when she got to battle against her elder brother and nearly equalled with him, her twin however still needed to put in the effort.

Miwa also got to meet some amazing people, in her opinion, who'd given Miwa a chance of friendship, Neji Hyuga had done that. The serious, blunt and stubborn Neji Hyuga had approached Miwa with a friendship offering, which in all honestly Miwa hadn't put much thought into it until Sakura had talked her into it after telling Miwa about him. Miwa also got to learn about Konohagakure's trust issues with people they were unsure about, a vast majority of the village were still to come to terms with an Uchiha who wants to protect the village and not destroy it.

Miwa came to terms with the amount of idiots living within the village, she herself found that to be seriously pathetic but then the voice inside her head reminded her that she to was an idiot but she ignored him. Naruto was the perfect example of an idiot, he never gives up even when it's at a point where he's risking the lives of his teammates not to mention the recklessness that seemed to run in Konohagakure like a disease.

Speaking of Idiots here's one of them...

We seem to attract them idiots.

I blame you.

"Miwa..." The bald man muttered out quietly as he sat down in from of Miwa, a table separating them, flickering through his notes on his clipboard.

"Ibiki Morino" Miwa said in a sickly sweet tone, giving him a closed eye smile, she was really miffed as she shuffled in her chair to get a little bit more comfortable.

It's about time, I've been waiting here for nearly four god damned hours!

"No surname?"

"Not telling~" Miwa sung with a teasing smile, her eyes full of playfulness, Ibiki gives Miwa a dark look causing her to smile wider.

Hm~, A warning.

Don't get us into trouble brat.

" *cough* Anyways, from the report given to me by Master Jiraiya and the councilmen, we've had to bring you in for questioning" Ibiki coughed to clear his throat as he glances down at his notes again, Miwa internally groaned as the voice in her head cackled.

"Oooh really?" Miwa teased leaning back in her chair, her playful look still sitting on her face, Morino ignores her and continues with the interrogation.

"According to the report the elders have given us, your meeting with them didn't go as they would have like it to" He reads from the report and tells Miwa about it, Ibiki looked down at Miwa, Miwa shrugs in response.

"You know how the saying goes Morino-san" Miwa casually says as Ibiki lifts his head and gives Miwa an annoyed look "Stranger danger"

"Care to tell me why, you weren't co-operative and didn't answer their questions"

"They didn't have questions for the answers I was willing to give" Miwa replied along with a simple shrug.

"And the report from Jiraiya, he had given you free will to answer his questions too but you wouldn't comply" Miwa noticed that Ibiki was beginning to get more serious as he spoke, crossing his arms as he leant on the table separating the two.

"I didn't feel the need to comply, Sir" Miwa informed "My business is my business, nobody else really needs to worry about it" Ibiki let out an irritated sigh.

"Moving on" Ibiki said in an irritated tone "Tell me, who are you really?" Miwa smiled.

This is going to be fun.


"You shinobi are pretty stupid aren't ya?" Ibiki growled at Miwa, he was getting fed up "I've told everyone that already, I'm Miwa, a 13 year old shinobi"

"You've also said in the meeting with the council that you're originally from Konoha. Can you expand on this?" Ibiki asked in curiosity, smiling she leant forward.

"I was born into Konoha, then the night before my 7th birthday I was taken from my family" She informed him, her fake smile not leaving her face.

"Yes you've said this but there were no reports of a kidnapping" Ibiki cockily remarked leaning back in his chair, arms still crossed, Miwa laughed at him.

"Oh, I wasn't kidnapped Ibiki" Miwa tells him, glancing at Morino with a mischievous look "My father had me sent away" Still smiling her crooked closed eye smiles.

"Why would he do that?" He questioned leaning back into his chair, his eyes flickering to the double sided glass behind Miwa before it flickered back.

"Told me, I was a distraction to my elder brothers, so he got rid of me" Miwa simple answers, sounding as if it doesn't bother her in the slightest.

"Brothers?" Miwa nods silently, her smile slowly dropping back to a straight line "Well shouldn't they have recognised you by now?" She shook her head, no.

"The older one, yes but my other brother? No he was young enough to forget" Miwa forcefully grits out angrily.

"What made you return?" He asked suspiciously, Miwa chuckled at that.

"I was force, wasn't I?" Miwa replied in a teasing tone "Team 7 made me leave my home, and I can't go back now because then I'll end up in the bingo book as a rouge Nin" Miwa added in a bored tone, looking down at the table where her hands picked at each other.

"Jiraiya also noted that, your eyes need inspecting" Miwa's head shot up and looked at him, he watched her now interested in what she was hiding "That wouldn't be a problem will it?" Miwa narrowed her eyes at him.

"Is this just questioning or am I being persecuted?" Miwa asked hoping that they could move on, but it just seems like Ibiki Morino is found this more and more interesting.

"What at are you hiding, brat?"

"Some secrets are meant to be secret, wouldn't you say Morino?" He looked at her defeated, and stands up, collecting all his notes and walks out the room.

"You're free to leave" Smiling widely, Miwa jumped up and walked elegantly out the room.

"Finally do you know how boring it is sitting in one place for too long" Miwa expressed loudly to Morino as she walked down the corridor, away from him and any other watchful eyes.


"You're not going to tell me why you've turned up 3 hours late are you?" Neji asked as he opened the gate to the Hyuga compound, allowing Miwa to enter.

"You know me so well Neji!" Miwa squealed at him, throwing her arms around his neck hugging him, making the Hyuga residents walking by gasp, at the physical contact that Neji Hyuga as allowing.

"Get off me!" Neji sternly yelled making Miwa pout and drop her arms "Come on we've got some training to do" he ordered walking away.

"So mean Neji" Miwa said pouting, then jogged over to catch up with him "Why do you have to be so, so serious? You know you should let loose sometime, you're just so uptight it's practically choking me" Miwa mutters to him, mainly rambling just to annoy the hell out of him.

"I've never been in such a big compound like this before, the village I was at previously is the size of this whole compound, how do you not get lost Neji?" Miwa continued with her rambling, Neji sighed from beside her.

"This is going to be a long training session isn't it?" Neji asked already sounding fed up, grinning like a Cheshire cat, Miwa nodded.

"Of course it will be Neji!" Miwa happily cheered "It's my training method after all!"

"Great, just great" Neji muttered sighing as Miwa giggled in delight as she dragged Neji by the arm for her crazy training exercises.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now