Chapter Eighteen

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Miwa's POV

"Thank God! Finally! I couldn't take the silence, it was killing me" I yell out in joy as I saw the village in the distance, Neji smiles at me "So who are we escorting?" I ask turning to Shikamaru.

"Did you not hear Lady Tsunade?" He asks bitterly, I pull my tongue at him and he sighs at me "A young  lord" I nod my head, also noting how Neji got closer that the mention of this 'young lord'.

"Well then, let's go we are wasting daylight!" I yell throwing my around around Neji's shoulders and pushing him forward, Shikamaru leads us through town until we reach a large house.

"Be on your best behaviour will ya"Shikamaru says mainly looking at me, Neji grunts at him.

"Okay, Okay!" I say raising my arms in the air in defeat. Shikamaru grumbles under his breath and walks towards the door and knocks on in as me and Neji catch up with him. The door opens and a man looks at us, then to our forehead protectors, quickly he ushers us in and slams the door shut.

"You're late" He says simply as he gestures us to follow, both Neji and I glare at Shikamaru who was in front of us "Not that it matters, anyways the Lord is in the dinning room, go down the hall and it's the third door to your left" He says pointing down the hall, then he leaves us as he walks up the stair case to our right.

"That was..." I say trailing off, Neji looks at me.

"Shush!" Neji orders with a finger on his lips, I frown. Did he just shush me? I huff as Shikamaru walks down the hall, Neji following him and me, I am at the back. Shikamaru knocks on the door just as I catch up to them. A muffled voice tells us to come in, Shikamaru and Neji walk in followed by myself. I look to the left and see.... the man you we saw at the door. How the hell did he get in here?

"Ah the Shinobi from the Leaf!" I turn to my right and see a small old man with a large belly sitting on a throne like chair, I walk over next to Neji. "Good you see you've travelled well, was the journey hard?" I go to give him a good mouthful of my.... beautiful language, simply because of an incident that happened a few hours ago. I'm not saying anything about it, it's too embarrassing. I just want to give him the truth. The journey was awful.

"It was --"

"The journey was fine, nothing went wrong" Neji says interrupting me, I look at him and see the smile on his lips, he glances at me and smiles wider. Great, he still remembers it.

"That great! Now do you know where you are escorting my son?" The old man asks, we all nod, the man smiles and gestures to them the woman standing by the door "Bring my son in" the woman nods and disappears for a few minutes then returns with a young boy our age. Neji tenses again and shuffles closer.

"Father" the young lord greets then turns to us "Leaf Shinobi?" He asks, Shikamaru nods and opens his mouth to introduce us.

"Hey ho young lord, we are Leaf Shinobi here to escort you! the boy to my right is our pale eyed perfectionist Neji Hyuga, and the boy before you is our pineapple haired Brains and no brawn Shikamaru Nara" I say in my narrator voice "And I'm the beauty and brawn also a triple threat Miwa~" I doing jazz hands, then I hear Neji face palm and  sigh loudly as Shikamaru mumble about I'm so troublesome. The young lord smiles.

"A pleasure, I am Haruko" He says smiling at us.

"Well we best be heading off" Shikamaru says glancing at his watch "we need to make it to the twin bridges by nightfall"

"Okay Leaf Shinobi you better look after my younger son!"

Somewhere in the middle of a forest

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now