Chapter Forty-One

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Grief seemed like a never ending story, right when you've overcome it and started to move on, that's when it hits you again. After a while of it repeating the same old tricks, one would lose all hope in ever fully overcoming grief. They would become lost in their own minds, reflecting on what they could have done or changed.

It never fully goes away in some sense it is always there with you in the back of your mind, slowly building up so that when the time is right it can hit you with full power. Few people go their whole lives experiencing it only a handful amount of times, the rest however seem to find it just around the corner.

The stars in the midnight sky hovering over Konohagakure were bright and shining their full potential, there weren't any clouds to hinder the light of the full moon nor was there a chilly breeze. Everything was peaceful and beautiful, just the way most liked it.

Miwa however laying upon the Fourth Hokage head glaring at the beautiful night sky, her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks were coated with old tear stains and were blotted red. Her hands were stained bloody red from punching the hell out of Tsunade's stone head, even that didn't ease the pain she was feeling like it normally would.

She hated how beautiful tonight looked, she felt that the Kami didn't have the right to make the world look beautiful - not after what they had allowed to happen. She could hear the calls from Hiashi and the others who where out looking for the unstable teen, she was thankful that Neji had taught her how to hide her chakra better than Tsunade herself.

"Fuck off" She muttered to the sky and threw her empty bottle at it hoping to hit the sky, only to have it fall to the ground.

Miwa couldn't bare to look at them or stand in front of them, she didn't want them to see the state she was in. She also couldn't forgive them right now for making Hinata deliver the news to her, the way Hinata had looked telling Miwa the 'story' would scar Miwa for a long time.

Despite what it may have looked like, Miwa was actually sitting on the Hokage head for a reason. She was on the hunt for someone, she would have used her abnormal sense of smell but their scent was all over the place - So instead she was searching for their unique chakra signature. Hinata might not have known it but she gave Miwa a massive clue for someone to hit, she just hoped that Hinata would forgive her.

She would have to forgive Miwa because technically Miwa isn't exactly in the right frame of mind. Miwa takes a swig out of the bottle in her hand only to discover that it was empty, groaning loudly she threw it away and watched as it fell on top of a passer-by's head. Letting out a hiccup she reaches up to the bag above her head and grabs a new bottle and unscrews the cap, then takes a long big swig.

When she finally located her pray she tossed the bottle away again, ignoring the smashing sound it made as she leaped off, heading in the direction of a block of flats. On her way to the block of flats, Miwa tumbled over a few times and struggled to stay on her wobbly feet. She grabbed another bottle and downed the whole thing before tossing the bottle away as she door in front of her prays door.

The lights on helped Miwa to indicate that he was still awake, grinning devilishly Miwa ninja kicked down the door - scaring the hell out of the bright haired male sitting at his kitchen table. Taking a moment to stay herself before she stumbled her way into the flat, bumping into the doorway as she stumbled over to the kitchen table.

"Miwa? Are you drunk?" The boy asks with a laugh at the end, infuriating Miwa even more as she moved to the boy quicker and grabbed a hold of his shirt collar "Woah - What the hell Miwa?!" Miwa slams him up against the kitchen wall and sneers at him.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now