Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hope you've got you're munchies and drinks ready, cause this is going to be a long one.
So sit back and relax and enjoy the movie....enjoy the book....chapter, I mean chapter.
You did ask for it to be long....right?



" - In edition to that, I think it would be best if you handled "

"- Guys"

"That guy from the sand...and maybe that girl from could probably also handle everyone in that team too" Neji tells Lee as they look through some 'borrowed' paper work on the Genin participants that Miwa 'found'.

Nodding with Neji's choice on who he should handle "Yes! It does sound very youthful" Lee shouts.

"I'm secretly engaged with Orochi-piss face" This has to gain their attention, cause I mean its Orochi-piss face after all.

And~ nothing. Not even a slight twitch.

I'm going to fill you in on what's happening, so basically I went for a walk a few hours or so ago and I 'found' these documents in which I stole...... I borrowed and now I haven't gotten Neji-chan's attention and haven't had it for hours!

I think I'm starting to have withdrawals.

Whilst those two have been strategizing for each participant, I have been on one of the three beds in the room, sprawled out as I count each tiny grain of sand in the ceiling....Yes that is how boring my life is.

"I thought so too but then there are those two from Ame as well" Neji adds as he rubs his chin in thought, I internally groan as well as mentally stab my eyes out with a lamp shade for what I'm about to say next.

"I'm in love with Tenten"

"Hmm what? Oh that's nice Miwa" Neji mumbles as he gives me a dismissive wave "It's only really those people who I have my concerns about" Neji informs the dim-witted youth boy beside him.

"What about the waterfall?" Lee asks causing me to bolt up  straight and plan his untimely death using a comb.

"Ah! Yes that time will be a force to be reckoned with, especially that girl" Neji spits out as he flicks through the paper work, I feel my left eye twitch evilly.

Oh that's great just another death to add to my list, how many is that now? hmm lets far I have Ino, Tenten, Kiba and Sakura who are all the way up at the top. Then I have Lee, the civilian girl who tired to flirt with Neji a few weeks back. Wait. I'm missing someone very important...Oh! Yeah Nana Tsunade and Ducky duck, duck boy.

So now that girl from the waterfall has made it onto the list.

Congratulations you've just been promoted from being on Miwa Radar to Death List!

Now if you would please sign here, why? Oh because it's your death warrant.

Feeling fed up with being ignored I stand onto my feet and yell "I'm have a crush on Gaara!" With my eyes closed, the talking stops and I can feel two pairs of eyes on me. Then there's a sudden crash and Lee yelling, slowly I open my eyes and see a struggling Neji pinned to the floor by Lee as Neji tried to leave the room.

"He's dead" Neji sneers hatefully as he tries to go to the door.

"No Neji! It's not youthful!" Lee yells out in fear, while I roll my eyes.

"Neji-chan stop" Neji stops and both him and Lee turn to look at me "Well now that I have you're attention, I have to tell you something very important" Neji stiffens slightly once I finish.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now