Chapter Three

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Fun fact: My dumbass has a hard time focusing so this book took me nearly three years to finish.

Chapter Three
"What's the point in going back to a place where they forgot about you overnight"

"Finally! we are back time to get me some ramen" Naruto exclaims loudly and happily as the group spots the large gates as they approached the village. Miwa looks up from her constant gaze on the floor and freezes as she sees the coloured gates with the Leaf symbol on it. Miwa's walking pace slowly lessens as she began to panic.

I - I can't.

The rest of the group continued on it wasn't until Sakura couldn't sense Miwa's chakra beside her. Sakura turned around and looked behind her to see that Miwa was standing a few feet behind her staring at the gates, paralysed by anxiety and fear. Sakura sighed and walked back over to Miwa and stood in front of her.

"Come on it's not that bad" She tells her comfortingly as she rubs Miwa's arm to try and ease the obvious panic Miwa was feeling, Miwa slowly moves her gaze over to Sakura and stare at her unsure.

"I can't go back there Sakura" Miwa mumbles quietly, Sakura looks confused before she then sighs and straightens herself slightly and turning on her heels holding her arm out for Miwa to link her arm with. Miwa doesn't move her arm.

"Just stick with me, ok?" Sakura orders Miwa gently, Miwa nods her head and the pair start moving towards the gates. Along the way, Sakura links arms with Miwa causing Miwa to groan internally at the action but she says nothing.

Once they both arrived at the gates, Miwa notices that Naruto was yelling at a boy with red marks on his face and a dog on his head, Sasuke standing next to Naruto. Next to the dog boy was a short-haired girl with the most beautiful eyes Miwa had ever seen. Miwa looked the girl up and down before she nodded.

I like her.

Next to the awesome girl was a tall boy with shades covering his eyes and a large coat with the collar that covered the bottom half of his face. Sakura looks at them and sighs before she dragged Miwa over to the group.

"Would you quit it!" Sakura screams as she let go of the struggling girl and walked over to punch Naruto in the face making Miwa burst out laughing. Everyone turned to look at Miwa surprised, Sakura looked around the group and then starts laughing herself. After a few more minutes of laughing both Sakura and Miwa stop and then the dog boy turns to Naruto.

"Who's the chick?"

"Oh yeah, Kiba, Hinata, Shino this is Miwa we picked her up from the village we went to, Kakashi sensei thinks she's a capable shinobi" Naruto tells them, they all nod, then the white dog jumps down and starts sniffing Miwa and then nods before jumping back up to Kiba.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Miwa" Hinata stutters nervously, Miwa pulled an awed expression.

Aw, she's adorable.

"You liking the village" Shino asks, Miwa turns her head to look at Shino and she gives him a bright smile and nods. Miwa got the feeling that people had the tendency to ignore his presence.

"Well, I'd love it if I wasn't forced to come" Miwa mumbles in reply before she walked off with a grim aura around her.

Miwa began to start walking around the village she once called him, Everything seemed the same way she had remembered it. Miwa soon found herself following the walkways until she was standing outside the compound of the Uchiha Clan. It seemed like it had been centuries since she was last here.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now