Chapter Fifty-Two

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Kakashi always thought he'd live the simple and easy life of a shinobi, well as easy as life as a shinobi could get. He had signed up for live his days knowing that it could be his last, he'd lost everyone he had cared about, he'd signed up to lose the warmth of having relationships. He knew he would have to do things he didn't agree to or things that are so terrible that they could never be repeated.

He signed up for anything that came his way when he graduated from the academy and then some more when he lost Rin, Obito and Minato sensei. He signed up for it all, and he knew he couldn't regret it but he knew he would end up with some regrets one day.

Then one day he'd met those three idiotic genin fresh out of the academy and they had softened his cold heart, and Kakashi soon found himself relaxing a little more bit by bit. Then he met, what seemed like an angry child with his team on a mission and brought her back to the leaf, where she came out her bubble a lot more. His team seemed to be complete with the new addition.

What he never agreed to was to be constantly given heart attacks by his team then the whole Sasuke betrayal, an additional member falling out with everyone, then that member constantly getting hurt, being called an old man or a pervert just for his taste in literature (brilliant literature in his own opinion). Also, the one mission he wasn't on with his team someone was kidnapped by Orochimaru and was missing for months on end until they were found and brought back only to discover they had memory loss.

He really had gone through it all, but one of the hardest things to hear was that the new member to Team Kakashi, the one who had received so much hate, the one who had gone through hell and back three times, had sacrificed herself just to save her sensei. That's something a teacher never wants to hear in their lifetime, that one of their students died sacrificing themselves for them and the people who hated them.

Kakashi had woken up long before everyone in Konohagakure had been revived and just a little while before Naruto returned. He had woken up in a medical bay on one of the makeshift beds, nurses and doctors rushing past as they check the more critical patients, he could hear Sakura giving out commands but it was a bit muffled.

He had sat up in the bed and swung himself around until he had both feet placed on the floor as he began to wonder how he had gotten there and what he could remember last. His mind was a little foggy from the massive headache he had, but it had soon cleared and he remembered where he was last.

He shot up from the bed as his eyes widened, the last thing he could remember was Miwa and himself facing off the leader of the Akatsuki, Pein. Miwa had kept him in some sort of chakra cage until she had released him and knocked him out with a sack of powder. That's when it hit him and he rushed out of the medic bay as he tried to find someone, on his run he had pasted a frantic Akimichi Chōji that's how he found out about Chōza and Miwa, or rather the last thing Chōji had seen of Miwa.

Kakashi could remember the panic at the thought of losing one of his students, he might not have known her long or know enough about her but she was still placed into his care on the team, there was some responsibility he needed to take. There is that and the fact that ever one of his students seemed to be surprisingly suicidal, that and Hiashi made him promise to watch out for her on the sidelines.

There was this aura that covered Miwa, one could only see it if they looked hard enough. This aura seemed to pull the ones looking hard enough to her, it pulled them to care and look out for her. Maybe that's why the Hyuga seemed to adore the crazy girl, there's that and the fact that she did have the type of nature people loved. Kakashi found himself having a soft spot for the Uchiha, much like the other three in his team, that's why it had pained him when he finally made it to the site where Chōji had seen her.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now