Chapter Six

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"You know what" Miwa cheerily chirps as she lays on her stomach, kicking her legs back and forth as she licked her ice lolly that she blackmailed Neji into buying her. Neji who was sitting on the ground like a normal person gives her a side glance before going back to his meditation pose.

"Hmm?" Miwa sweatdropped at his answer, there were countless times when she felt like she was talking to one of her brothers but she would shake it off. Neji seemed a lot different when she gazed into his eyes, analysing his emotions, the eyes never lie after all.

"Konoha isn't as bad as I thought" Miwa pipes up after a moments silence as she tries to spark a conversation out of her 'emotionless' friend, said friend opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her fully with a curious glance and a slight touch of offence.

"What do you mean" He spurts out offended, this caused Miwa to set off in a cocktail of giggles as she smiled sweetly at him which made him frown - he often found Miwa's sweet smiles rather sickly - he was trying to tell Miwa to be serious with their conversation and that her giggling wasn't appreciated.

Miwa just smiled after all she loved being in Neji's company, she found out that when he is around his presence brought out her weird side. So she does what any sane person would do with their weird side, she'd take advantage of it but the results ended in Neji becoming frustrated and K.O-ing her.

"Well, I expected people to hate and terrorise me" Miwa says as she slurps on her ice lolly.


"Well the people do hate me but they don't terrorise, so that's a sign!" Miwa cheerfully expresses as he sweat drops "Also I made a real friend" Miwa gazes creepily at Neji suddenly causing him to jump.

"Tch." He mutters as he turns his red face away, then the next thing Miwa sees is blaCk for a moment before her vision clears and a sharp pain hits her.

"OW" Miwa screeches as she rubs the bump on her head, glaring venomously at Neji who was rubbing his hand.

"You have more than one friend you idiot" He shyly mutters rubbing his palm, Miwa scowls at him darkly as the voice inside her head cackled at the thought of Miwa having more than one friend.

"Sakura doesn't count Neji" She mutters quietly "She just hangs around me in pity, Daichi told Team 7 of my history" Miwa tells him, instead of staying something he just stares at her intently, he always does that (Miwa thinks he has this disease called still face syndrome and she hopes there is a cure).

"I better get going" Neji says standing up and dusting himself off, Miwa grabs his wrist, he looks at her.

"Hey Neji" Miwa begins, he just looks at her dryly "Don't be too hard with Hinata-sama" Shaking his head and pulling his wrist away "Just remember what Naruto told you" Miwa tuts him reminding him of what he mistakenly told her. He turns around and walks away, Miwa chuckles.

"LOVE YOU TOO NEJI!" Miwa bellows as loudly as she could causing a few locals to glance over and shake their heads at the crazy teenager.


Tch what now brat?!

It looks like they are going to have more dislike for me or they will gossip about my craziness.

Why should you care? I do that anyways to your face.

Miwa sweatdropped at the voice before sighing as she turns away from the locals, she made sure to cover her head with the hood of her top in an attempt at concealing her identity from other people with her hands shoved inside her pockets. She also made a mental note that since she returned to the Leaf she has found herself sighing far too much.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now