Chapter Twenty

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Miwa's POV

"I'm so bored~" I sing to myself as I lay on my back, on my bed. Neji and Shikamaru went somewhere to discuss 'guy stuff' whatever the hell that means. So I'm all alone and bored out of my mind.

Sasuke's been back for about 3 days now and non of Ibiki's torture techniques are working and I've see some of the stuff he was doing with Neji and Shikamaru.

Sometimes I think about how there have only been like two smart Uchiha's. Myself and my old cousin Obito who sadly died before I was born, oh wait no it's three, Shisui was pretty cool as well.

Think I'm wrong just look at my brothers. They both are now ex-Konoha Ninjas, they both went off to join the Akatsuki. Well Sasuke joined with and ex-member of the Akatsuki. Also they had something about power.

Itachi killed everyone to 'test his power' and Sasuke left everyone to go get 'power'. These are my brothers, why am I the only decent one!

"I gotta get those two outta my head" I mumble to myself again turning into my side and facing the wall "Brothers suck"

You know what! I'm going to go on a walk and try to forget about my two growing problems.

'Yeah a walk will do me good!' I think to myself smiling widely, as I get up and rush to my door putting my shoes on and leaving the apartment.

If only I knew what really was going to happen, I wouldn't have left that god damn apartment. Then maybe everything could have stayed the same.

I rush down the stairs and choose a random street to follow. It's a pretty nice day out, it's warm but cloudy. I like the clouds. I let out a content filled sigh as I shove my hands into the pockets of my Ninja shorts. Looks like it's just me today, after Neji is finished with Shikamaru, he's going to help Hinata train. Shikamaru has got his 'Ino-Shika-Choj' daily team exercise training.

I feel sorry for Hinata, when ever I see her with Ino or Kiba she gives me this look, like she wants to say something to me but she can't because one of the two always pulls her away.

Tenten, Ino and Kiba are up to something and I really don't like it. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for them. How bothersome, but how can I watch them when they are keeping an eye on me? I can't watch them when they sleep because that's just wrong but If I watch them while they are watching me their are just going to see me watching them.

"You know what? I'll ask Neji-chan" I mumble to myself as I past an old lady who gives me a funny look, I stick my tongue out at her making her gasp at me and look appalled.

Sighing I send an apologetic smile and walk away, becoming invisible in the crowds. Hmm maybe spying on those three won't be as hard as I think. Since Neji-chan and Shikamaru is going to be gone all day,now is my chance to go to the Naka Shrine.

I really need to see that stone tablet, before Sasuke and Itachi meet, because knowing the two of them they will go there and there won't be anything left.

So I've got to look at that god damn stone.

Jesus! I didn't think it would take me this long to find the mat that leads to the secret meeting room. Man I will never make fun of Naka Shrine. Ever.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now