Chapter Ten

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"Listen here you hag, you're going to send me on that goddamned mission!" Miwa yelled angrily at the newly named Hokage, slamming her fists hard onto the desk. Tsunade stood up from her position by her desk, moving Shizune out of her way and stalked around the desktop where Miwa stood.

"I already told you, I've already assembled a rescue team to bring Sasuke Uchiha back to the Leaf!" Tsunade yelled angrily at the tiny female, said female narrowed her eyes and glared up at the Hokage "You're not going." Miwa threw her airs up in the air as she screeched out in frustration.

"You have absolutely no right to deny me this! If I only I was Naruto, you wouldn't deny me then! Why am I any different to him?!" Miwa lashes out in annoyance, it was getting ridiculous and time was wasting. Tsunade gave Miwa a pointed look before moving back around her desk, Miwa already knew her answer.

"The village doesn't hold any faith in you, nor do they trust you. That also goes for the other shinobi in the village" Tsunade tiredly expresses as Miwa gawked at the, now, seated Hokage.

"That's not fair! There's a lot of other people who aren't trusted as well!" Miwa tried to reason with the stubborn Hokage.

"You're not going! That is my final answer!" Tsunade angrily yells out in annoyance, Miwa glared darkly at the Hokage as she walked closer to the desk before she swiped the mountains of paper work all over the room.

"You're not sending me because you know who I am and it's you  that doesn't trust me, nay Tsunade?" Miwa taunted the Hokage, her glare is plastered fiercely on her face, Tsunade's face turned an angry shade of red as she stared at the disrespectful tween in front of her.

"Hey! Granny Tsunade, We are here to - Miwa?" Naruto cheerfully burst into the tense room with a group of people walking in behind him, Naruto looked between both females in curiosity.

"Seriously?! Not one Kunoichi, Tch" Miwa grumbled to the Hokage in distaste as she made her way out of the room.

"Miwa! Get back here!" Tsunade screeched after her but Miwa ignored the calls from the woman and continue on the path to her next destination. 

Miwa was seething as she stalked out of the building, she didn't care what Tsunade told her, she was going to drag her dumbass brother back to the Hidden Leaf.

She had to bring him back, she promised Sakura after all and she promised herself. She definitely wasn't doing it for that blonde....what was her name again? Ego?...Ingo?

Ah Ino, yeah definitely not for her.

Naruto could promise Sakura all he wants but it won't be Naruto Uzumaki who brings back Sasuke, not him. It won't be Kakashi or anyone else, they all had their chance to save Miwa's brother, now its down to Miwa and Miwa alone.

As Miwa stalked her way down the streets of Konohagakure, she began to come up with a plan on how she was going to go along with the boys to bring Sasuke back. She was going to follow after them and conceal her chakra so that Neji couldn't sense her. If there is trouble on the way, which Miwa knew there will be, she needs to secretly help them but her main target will be her brother.

She just got him back and she'll stop at nothing to get him back.

Miwa was walking past the Yamanaka Flower Shop, she couldn't help but glare at it, Miwa really didn't like the feelings she got from the blonde. The only bright side was that Sakura lived just around the corner, practically a 5 - 10 minute walk depending on how fast you walked.

After Miwa sharply turned the corner that took her to the top of Sakura's street, she began to strut her way to the Pinkette's house. Once she made it to the door, Miwa chapped lightly on the door and awaited for someone to answer. After a few minutes Miwa heard movement before the door opened wide, Sakura's mother had answered the door with a big cheery grin and was quick to welcome Miwa inside her home.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now