Chapter Thirty-Nine

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At a certain point in this chapter there will be some flashbacks which will be in italics.

It was silent for a short while as the Leaf and Suna shinobi watched Kakashi summon his tracker dogs and sent them off on the trail with a piece of Akatsuki no Sasori's cloak, Kankuro thankfully managed to grab a hold of before he blacked out.

The room temperature dropped as three figures walked into the hospital room, the first was the old man from before, his stance and cold façade along brought goosebumps to those in the room. The next two were both female, the 'very old lady' from before and our dearly beloved Miwa, the pair were busying themselves with chattering and laughter - causing a few in the room to sweat drop. *Cough* Neji *cough* Shikamaru *cough* *cough*.

" - I'm not joking Lady Chiyo! She really is as evil as you think" Miwa blurts out loudly as she skipped into the room linked arms with Chiyo, Sakura controlled the disgusted noise she was about to make.

Chiyo pulls a serious face "You poor child! How could she do that?! You are like a little pea. That woman really has no conscious" Chiyo huffs with puffed up cheeks, Miwa smiles and tugs onto her arm lightly.

"I know!" Miwa squeals in agreement with a firm nod "Say you're the best Lady Chiyo!" Miwa chimes happily as the pair come to a stop next to Chiyo's brother.

Chiyo waves absentmindedly at Miwa "Call me Granny Chiyo" Miwa gawks at her before pulling her into the biggest hug she could muster. The hug lasted for several minutes before Kakashi let out an awkward cough, causing the two too break off and stare back at everyone looking at them. Miwa gives Sakura a glare and raises her middle finger at her, Chiyo notices and does the same, supporting Miwa.

"Kakashi-sensei I think you need to see a doctor, preferably female cause who's know what you'll to another male....poor Granny Chiyo's grandson" Miwa says looking directly to Kakashi who glared back at Miwa.

"I don't have any idea who her grandson is!" Miwa let's out a horrified gasp and covers Chiyo's ears.

"That's even worse! How many boys is it then!? Damn you and those god damned books"

Kakashi face palms and remains silent for a moment before he and begin to give everyone in the room a briefing on saving the Kazekage. Miwa and Chiyo were ignoring everyone in the room by playing thumb wars with each other, no one took notice of the pair until they became very competitive and began throwing insults. Kakashi had to bash their heads together to get them to shut up.

"So does everyone know the plan?" Kakashi asks everyone with his hands on his hips, both Miwa and Chiyo look at each other wearily but nod at Kakashi with shady smiles on their faces. Groaning internally "Miwa, Just stay close to Neji and Lady Chiyo, stay close to me" Kakashi says rubbing the top of his nose.

"She's going to give me grey hairs" He adds with a quiet mutter but Miwa with her inhuman hearing heard and let out a belly laugh.

"Kakashi-sensei I think someone else beat me to it" Ignoring her Kakashi turns back to the others.

"Alright lets move out!" Kakashi orders with a quick glance at Miwa before turning to Neji "Make sure you don't lose her" Neji nods and runs out the room with everyone else, Kakashi sighs before joining them.


The Kazekage team rushed themselves out of the Suna Village and heading towards the direction Kakashi's tracker dogs were heading. Everything was going well as they all raced against the clock to save Gaara, everything was quiet. They were nearing the Akatsuki base where Akatsuki no Sasori and Akatsuki no Deidara were holding Gaara captive in the Land of Rivers.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now