Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hinata sighed tiredly as she replaced the – now warm – face cloth with a fresh cold one, placing it upon Miwa's forehead. Yawning she glanced at the clock at the other end of the room, yawning again she looks back over at Miwa and checks her over.

It had been half a day since Miwa was found and brought to the compound by Shikamaru's father, now night is just an hour away. Once nightfall comes Hinata would be relieved of her shift and swap with her cousin.

Hinata smiles sadly at her friend's state, she was looking a lot more better than she did when she first arrived. When she got there Miwa was dripping wet, bloody, black and blue, her face had been extremely pale - for an Uchiha - and her breathing was strained.

Hinata flinches slightly as she remembers when Neji had found out, it was going to take weeks for them to repair everything in the compound.

Thankfully Hinata cleaned Miwa up properly so she didn't look as bad as she had before, still Neji will blow a fit when he comes back from the Hokage's Office. Her father wasn't all that pleased either, to be honest she's rather worried for the Hokage's life since she will have two furious Hyuga men, one angry man with the power to get into your mind and two angry geniuses who could get away with the perfect murder.

Glancing at the clock Hinata begins to gather her belongings, as she hears the gates of the compound burst open loudly with the continuation of angry muttering. It didn't take long for the loud muttering to reach the door, opening it quietly Hinata is face to face with the group of five as they hurry into the room.

Neji was the first one to rush over to Miwa followed by Shikamaru, Hiashi and finally Inoichi and Shikaku, Neji took it upon himself to check Miwa over for any severe wounds. Sighing in relief when he sees Hinata had taken care of everything.

"She's looking a little better, since I found her" Shikaku drones as he puts his hands into his pockets and leans against the wall, the other nod in agreement.

"What did they do to her? And Why?" Neji mutters as he grabs onto Miwa's hand, he curses when he feels how cold it was, Inoichi grunts from beside Shikaku.

"It will be about Ino and the two's disappearance" Inoichi informs them a few of them turn to look at him shocked, Neji continues looking at Miwa but has an angry scowl on his face.

"What? The Hokage still believes it was Miwa? That's ridiculous!" Hinata exclaims shocked as she clutches both her hands together holding them to her chest.

Shikamaru sighs tiredly "What a drag this has become, I knew the Hokage had a vendetta on Miwa but seriously?" Neji scoffs.

"The Hokage isn't the only on to blame..." Neji utters darkly, everyone turns their attension to his back "Don't forget those that exposed Miwa's secret, those that turned on her, the three imbeciles that thought it would be okay to ruin Miwa's fresh start at the leaf...Your daughter had a massive role in that Yamanaka "Neji says gritting his teeth his hand that wasn't holding Miwa's was moulded into a tight fist.

Inoichi looks down at the ground, a grim look etched onto his face as he thinks about his daughters involvement with his patient. His daughter was bringing shame upon the Yamanaka name and clan.

There were a few members even believe that his daughter wasn't leader material. Inoichi doesn't reply to the young Hyuga, he knew if he did he would have a raging teenage boy trying to kill him.

Hiashi sighed at his nephews behaviour, but he had to agree with him, Ino was one of the main contributors to Miwa's hate.

"It's getting a bit late we should leave Miwa to get some rest, then ask her about the matter in the morning" Hiashi orders with the clap of his hands, Neji grumbles irritably but complies along wit the others.


Miwa awoke from her deep sleep with a jolt sending her into a sitting up position with her eyes closed and arms held out him front of her.

She let out a small moan of pain and clutched her head. Slowly she opened her eyes, and the light in the room hit her quickly. She winces at the bright light, but slowly becomes used to it as her blurred vision clears.

She felt movement from beside her and a slight tug on her hand. Slowly she turns her head to her right and smiles at what she sees. Neji had his head on his right arm, his right hand clasped tightly onto hers.

He was silently snoring with his mouth open, making Miwa smile happily at him. Using her other hand she traces Neji's cheek lightly.

After a short while Miwa had gotten bored and decided to wake up Neji. She began to prod him with her index finger, poking him on his forehead then onto his head.

"Hey" Miwa whispers into Neji's ear "Wake up" poking his cheek, Neji nudges Miwa's finger away with his shoulder.

"Neji-chan! Wake up"




"Come on!"


"I'm bored"



Poke. Double poke.

"Uhh Miwa go back to bed" Neji tiredly mumbles into his arm, creating a small pool of drool.

"Neji! Please my head hurts and I need my Neji cuddles!"

"Miwa, stop you're still sleeping off what happened yesterday"

"No I'm awake"

Groaning tiredly Neji raises his head "Miwa! Stop you're -" as if realising something Neji stops talking and opens his eyes.

Miwa blinks happily at him and gives him a small wave with her left hand. Neji jumps up and tackles her pulling her close to his chest.

Miwa coughs at the sudden contact "Woah! Neji-chan be careful, my ribs are bruised y'know!" Neji ignores her and continues embracing her tightly, pressing a kiss on her forehead every now and then.

Miwa grew irritated after a while of Neji ignoring her "Hey Neji! Don't igno-"

"Please" Neji croaks out, Miwa frowns she hadn't heard that tone for a while "Just - just please don't move or say anything" It was then that she could feel something wet dripping down onto the top of her head.

Her frown deepens when she realises her Neji-chan was crying. Her frown deepened even more when she thought of the Hokage. The crazy imagination of hers began to imagine situations that the Hokage hurt Neji.

Putting those thoughts away she wrapped her arms around his waist a cuddled closer to him. They stayed that way for a while before they both fell asleep.

When Hiashi and Hinata came by to check on them around lunch time, they both smiled at the sight of them. Deciding not to both the couple, they closed the door quietly and walked down the hall.

Both had smiles on their faces, they knew that the pair of them could face anything together. They could do anything as long as the other was there.

And the Leaf Village better prepare themselves for a fight.

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now