Chapter Twenty-Five: Ways of Twilight.

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"Thank you, Mr. And Mrs. Fugio. Your room number is 23. Enjoy your stay." The man winked at me and Itachi, causing my cheeks to flush light pink.

"Eh, t-thank you." I said as Itachi and I walked down the Hall to our hotel room.


Usually, breaks could be as simple as just stopping alongside the road or in the woods. This time, we had to go through the tedious process of finding a hotel and coming up with a fake name, thanks to me.

I can't help but feel a little guilty. I've caused Itachi a lot of trouble these past few hours. I feel that it's best I leave him with his thoughts for a while while I go down to the dining hall.

I grab two bowls of Miso Soup and take them upstairs to our room. Itachi's cloak laid on the single bed in the room, while Itachi sat on the couch. I placed the bowls on the table in front of him and sat down beside him.

"I brought you food." I told him, basically stating the obvious.

"Thank you." He said as he took a sip from the broth.


"I'm going to take a shower, Itachi." I said as I kissed his cheek. He nodded, and I went to the bathroom.

I undressed and stepped into the shower and slid the door closed. I turned on the cold water, then the hot. The water was much hotter than it was cold, the way I like it. I let the hot water fill my hair and go down my body, then I washed my hair with miniature hotel shampoo and conditioner. (They were scented like my least favorite thing: cinnamon.) Then I lathered my body with matching body wash and rinsed it off. I stayed in the water for a few more minutes before the water started to get cold. Damn cheap hotels.

I wrapped myself in a white towel and left the shower to grab some clothes that I brought with me. I select dark blue shorts, a black t-shirt, and white panties and bra.

I shuffle to the bathroom, until I see Itachi is staring at me. I blush and hold the towel tighter to my body.

"I've seen every inch of you, there's no need to be so flustered," Itachi got up, holding both the empty bowls and spoons and walked toward me. "I'm going to take these downstairs. I'll be back." Itachi kissed my forehead and disappeared out of the door and into the hallway. Itachi's remark about 'seeing every inch of me' made me even more flustered than before. I'm sure I look like a tomato in the face.

Once I have my clothes on, I brush my hair and pull it into a tight ponytail and brush my teeth.

This place has nothing fun to do. No hot springs, no game room downstairs, nothing. And you can't really train when you're trying to lay low. I didn't bring any of my books with me and was resorting to reading pamphlets about the scenery of the land. I was nearly falling asleep before I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, Itachi. I sat up, quietly thanking the gods that Itachi was back. That means I've been relieved of my boredom. I crash my lips into Itachi's, probably surprising him.

"Itachi, we need to do something fun, I'm bored out of my mind." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Hmm, how about we look around outside?" He asked me. I smiled and put my sandals on.

"That's better than killing time with pamphlets! Time to go see what they're talking about." Itachi laughed at my over-enthusiasm. Itachi took his headband off the keep suspicion low, as did I.

When each of us were ready, we walked downstairs and then outside. It was nearly dark out. Itachi led me to the 'yard.' It consisted of nothing but grass and was along a wall of trees. Itachi stood against a tree while I lay on the grass. I look at the orange-pink sky before speaking up.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Akira." Itachi's gaze drifted to me, my face showed my worry and concern. Itachi has never been one to talk about his true feelings. I know he isn't completely okay after seeing Sasuke. Sasuke looked so sad, and it hurt Itachi. I could tell.

"Itachi, you can talk to me. I want you to know that."

"Of course I know that. What's gotten into you?" I stood up and ran to Itachi, embracing him for what seemed like an hour before letting him go. I placed my hand in his face and began to speak.

"I know it must be hard seeing Sasuke after such a long time. And I'm sorry I brought his attention to us while we were watching them." I told him, looking him dead in his onyx eyes. He placed both of his hands on my face and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Akira, it's fine. I did the things I did for him." He smiled and dropped his hands, wrapping me in a warm hug.

Wanting (Itachi Uchiha x OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now