Chapter Fifty-three: Akira's Bonds

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"Your reflex speed," I stretched myp arms out and gotready for a challenge, then I remembered something. "Without Sharingan." A tip: half of the battle is being aware of its existence.


Sparring ended quickly as I was out of energy. Sasuke is much stronger than I recall. It has been almost 10 years since we've gone against each other.

Still, though, he isn't as quick as I am.

"Sasuke, you actually gave me a challenge." I said between breaths.

"I'm not where I am now for nothing, but you were distracted. How come?" He asked. This surprised me.

"What? I-I'm not!" I blushed and jumped into a nearby tree. I took a drink of water. Sasuke obviously followed me there.

"Is it because of Itachi?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't think that's any of your business, Sasuke!" Sasuke leaned his head against my shoulder. I don't remember him being so playful after the massacre. Maybe it's because he knows about why Itachi did it.

"I think it is. So, tell me." I sighed in defeat.

"Yeah, it's because Itachi."

"Do you wanna talk about it, then?" Sasuke looked up at me.

"It's terrible he wants to rat the Akatsuki out to Konoha... I mean, important to me and it'd kind of suck if they were found out." I'd have to choose my words carefully now.

"I understand. You'll always have to put your business in front of emotions though. As a ninja, you need to remember that." There's Sasuke. Always too mature for his age.

"Of course, but I refuse to let that happen. I'll find a way to compromise.  I swear it," I'm sure I looked determined, because I was. "Before I was involved in the Akatsuki, I didn't truly have anyone. I only talked to Shisui, Itachi, and, well, you. Then, only a few years ago, I found a family, and Itachi and I fell in love. The members, Itachi, and now Indira. They all make me feel wanted. I'm just conflicted." I sighed and took another swig of water. God, I need something stronger than just water. Maybe later.

"Do what you think is best, Akira. I'll still try to work something out with Lady Hokage." Sasuke reassured me.

"Thank you, Sasuke. Be sure to tell Lady Tsunade that we'll have answer soon. Indira is my baby. She'll get in that academy. No matter what." I jumped from the tree and waited for Sasuke before going inside.

Once inside I decided to make lunch. Just something simple, rice and meat.
I set 4 plates, a smaller portion for Indira on the dining table.

"Sasuke, can you get Itachi and Indira? Food's ready." Sasuke nodded and went on his way to get the two.

Itachi emerged from the hallway with Indira marching happily behind him.

Lunch went by quickly. Sasuke only spoke to me once and he gave me then worst news I'd heard in a while.

"Akira... Your father's name was Jin Hattori, right?" I stopped eating.

"Was? Yeah, that's my dad. Is he okay?"

"Jin, he died. Last year. He asked for me to tell you, if I were to see you again, that heloves you and that your mother is waiting at home." I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you sooner. I could feel my heart practically stop. My hands became shaky.

"W-what?" I asked, wide-eyed.

"He succumbed to a terrible sickness that spread across the Land of Fire." Itachi stood up.

"Akira... Are you alright?" I didn't reply. I couldn't. He walked towards me. I stared up at him. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know how to fix anything then and there. Itachi picked me up bridal style and announced that he was going to take me to the bedroom. I clutched onto his sleeve like a child.

Itachi sat me gently on our bed and propped me up. The room was dark and the only light poured in from a pair of windows. I didn't move and just stared at the wall. He rubbed my back, perhaps as support, perhaps because he didn't know how to help me.

When I came to my senses, I gasped and cried, and cried, and cried. I pushed myself on Itachi and held on tightly.

"Shh, Akira. It'll be okay.."

Wanting (Itachi Uchiha x OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now