Chapter Fifty-Seven: Home

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"Sasuke, thank you. We couldn't have done this if it wasn't for your help."

"I didn't have much of a choice. You two brought me into this mess." He mumbled and hugged me back.


We walked to a small home that had been given to us until we get work. For now, it's being payed for by the village.

"Mama, can you pick me up?" She gave me a pouty face.

"Hmm... I thought you were a big girl now?" I teased her. She pouted.

"Well, not right now, Mama. I'm sleepy." She reached her hand out to me. I picked her up. Satisfied, she melted into my arms and dozed off.

Itachi kept a watchful eye of the villagers. They watched back. He didn't want me to notice but I always do. I decided to leave it alone. We're not hurting anyone and they aren't hurting us. The Anbu assigned to us made this clear. They were to watch us closely from a distance. Of course, most people in our pposition wouldn't be aware of them at all.

Then again, we are not most people.

"She takes after you." Itachi spoke. I glacned to a snoring Indira and then back to Itachi.

"What do you mean by that?" I smirked. He ran a hand through his dark hair.

"I mean, she's just as stubborn and hard headed as you... and lazy." Ha gave me his attention, no longer watching the villagers or the Anbu.

"I'm not hardheaded, or lazy," I argued. I nudged his shoulder. He laughed. "It's not funny!"

"One would think you'd have nicer things to say about the mother of your child, hm?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I only tease. I couldn't ask for anything more, really." He said quietly. I rolled my eyes. He wasn't used to the attention he was receiving here. Not violent or bad, simply being observed.

We turned to our house. It was just off the village's center; on a quiet little block. I fumbled with the key and Indira, before Itachi took the key from me, briefly grasping my hand in the process. The door clicked open.

Upon entering, dust flew from various surfaces into the light spilling from the windows. Itachi cleared a spot on the couch and I layed Indira there. She squirmed for a moment before falling back into a calm sleep.

The ground floor had an open floor plan, with plenty of room to grow and expand. It was more than I was used to. It felt foreign to be in this position so suddenly. Itachi seemed out of place in what was his own home. His face twisted and formed into a small, weary smile. He would make the best out of this. If not for himself, for us.

"Akira," Itachi's voice was soft, as not to wake Indira. "You're honest, and you're loyal. You have an unwavering sense of integrity and you have a good heart. I know this to be true." He looked me in my eyes. I listened to his words carefully. Something about his voice seemed more compassionate than usual. More present.

My face went red and I looked away from him. "You didn't have to say that, you know."

"Hey, look at me." He said, with the same gentle voice. I listened.

He took my face in his hands, and kissed me. His lips were soft. I had to stand on my tip-toes so he didn't have to lean down. I forgot how nice it was to kiss him. It felt like it had been months.

"This is all I need." He released the kiss and tapped my forehead.

Maybe being in Konoha wouldn't be so bad, at least not with Indira and Itachi by my side.

Wanting (Itachi Uchiha x OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now