Chapter Thirty-Nine: Clash of the Uchiha: Itachi distraught

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I watch in disbelief as the naked, soaked four-year-old runs down the hallway and into the living room. I grab the clothes I had set out for Indira after her bath and chased the giggling toddler down the hallway until a familiar Uchiha stepped in front of me holding the girl in his arms.

"I believe you're forgetting something?" He teased me.

"Tch, don't be stupid. I wasn't forgetting anything." Itachi only smiled at me and shifted his gaze to the mischievous Indira.

"Listen to your mother, little one." He poked her nose with his middle finger and was back into the living room doing whatever.

"You heard him. We don't wanna make Papa angry do we?" I made a fake kind of scared face and began to dress Indira in a little black onesie with a ladybug on front, and a small Uchiha clan symbol where the left shoulder blade is. I kissed her forehead and sent her on her way.

"Papa! Mama said she's scared of you!"

"Don't be silly. She didn't say such a thing, and you know that." The voices were distant and I heard the two chuckle at eachother.

While Indira was being fairly manageable by Itachi, I decided to clean up a little bit. I start by soaking up all the water my daughter had splashed all over the bathroom while playing 'mermaid and sailor' in the bathtub. When that was finished, I moved on to Itachi and I's bedroom and straightened the comforter and sheets, picked small bits of who-knows-what from our floor and rearranged some things in and on the dresser and stands. I glanced over the picture of Itachi and Sasuke that Itachi had always kept at his bedside table.

Sasuke... He's about seventeen now. I wonder how he's doing after our last encounter in the woods.

I brush the thought away as I shuffle into Indira's bedroom.

An absolute mess.

It took me at least an hour to clean, and by the time I'd finished, it was about the girl's bedtime. I walk out the the living room to see our daughter curled up to Itachi and asleep. I walked out and placed my hands on his shoulders. He glanced up to me and smiled.

"I didn't want to disturb you to put her to bed." He whispered to me.

"Ah, I was cleaning her room. A damn mess! Anyway, we should put her to sleep. You two have a big day tomorrow." I winked and walked down the hall, Itachi following with an unconscious Indira over his shoulder.

Indira had her very first training session with her dear, favored Papa bringht and early the next morning.

Itachi and I exited to our bedroom and I sat him down, a serious look scrawled into my face.

"What is it, Love? Is something wrong?" I sighed and held his hand.

"Yes, Itachi," I glanced to the photo of Sasuke. "Something is.. very wrong." I squeezed his hand and he pecked my forehead.

"I can do anything for you."

"I know, and there isn't any way to put this, so I'll just say it," I hesitated for a moment before letting my thoughts out. "I want us to meet with Sasuke."

"I can't do that, Love." I huffed in annoyance.

"I've already got a plan. We can do this, Babe." I looked at Itachi with puppy eyes. Itachi and Sasuke hadn't seen eachother face-to-face in nearly ten years. I knew that if there was something I could do, it was help meant the Uchiha's relationship. Maybe with the help of Indira, things could go well, the small family could perhaps move back to Konoha to start anew. Itachi pinched the bridge of his nose, and he let out a sigh.

"Please, explain."

Wanting (Itachi Uchiha x OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now