Chapter Fifty-One: Irrationality

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"Deidara! I love you! I wish you'd pay attention to me more, you damn fool!" Samichi grabbed him by his collar and pulled him into a deep kiss. He obviously kissed her back. Impressive.


It was the day after Tobi, Deidara, Samichi, Hidan left and it was good to know that I no longer had a psychopath under my roof.

I woke up to an empty room. No Itachi, no Indira yelling, "Mama, wake up!" It was strange. I got up and walked outside our room.

"Itachi?" I said quietly to myself. I looked around the corner to Indira's room to see Itachi holding and comforting our daughter who was semi-crying. I walked in with concerned look on my face.

"Oh no, what happened?" Indira shot me a sad glance before shoving her face into her papa's shoulder.

"I woke up to find Indira playing with some kunai and shuriken. " Itachi explained. My eyes windend and then sofened. I understand now. The poor girl was just embarrassed.

"Oh god, Dei probably left some here by accident... or Hidan. You know how he can be." I rolled my eyes at the thought. "Why don't we make Indira some breakfast." Itachi grinned at me.

"Come on Indira, don't be sad. How about I make pancakes. They're your favoritttte!" Itachi rubbed her head , simultaneously. She didn't respond but I know once I made them she would be in a much better mood than before. We walked out of Indira's room to the kitchen and Itachi sat her down at the table and gave her some juice to hold her over while i got started on the pancakes. I made sure that they were nice and fluffy. When they were finished, I gave one to Indira, two to Itachi, and one for myself. Much like I'd thought, India's mood lifted and she happily ate the pancakes. Half way through breakfast, a knock was heard at the door, shortly after sensing a vaguely familiar chakra. I glanced at Itachi for a moment, then at Indira. I stood up to get it, but Itachi did instead.

"I'll get it, Love."

"Ah, okay." Itachi must have known a hunch of who it was, because he was quite eager to get to the door.

"Sasuke. Welcome back." Itachi stepped aside, and Sasuke entered the house.

"Itachi, Akira." Sasuke half-greeted us.
Indira's face lit up almost immediately. Face full of pancakes, she spoke.

"Uncle Sasuke! I knew you'd come back!" She jumped from her seat and latched onto Sasuke's waist.

"Indira, you know not to talk with your mouth open!" I scolded. Sasuke lifted Indira up and into his arms.

"I told you I'd be back." Sasuke smirked at Indira who wrapped her arms around his neck. That's possibly the most affection Sasuke has given anyone since he was eight.

"Sasuke, are you hungry? I just made breakfast." I walked over to the sink with me, Indira, and Itachi's dirty dishes and quickly washing them.

Itachi led all of us to the living room to have a discussion. Sasuke handed Indira to me gently and she sat in my lap playing with my hair. Indira was oblivious to the topic of said discussion. Sasuke sat down on the couch with us.

"So, Sasuke? Any progress?" I asked. Sasuke let out a long sigh.

"Lady Tsunade has agreed to negotiate with us." He said. Oh, no. That's what I was afraid of. She might make me give information on the rest of the Akatsuki.

"Information?" Itachi asked.

"Yes, you two-" Sasuke said, but I stopped him.

"Wait, Itachi, you aren't considering that, are you?" My eye twitched from a mix of anger and sadness.

"Akira, we don't have much of a choice." This was definitely not the Itachi that I knew. Not my Itachi. Her never sell out a comrade, criminal or not.

"Itachi, we do have a choice! I won't let you do that to them. They may be complete idiots, but they're my family."

"Akira, you aren't thinking rationally. They're all criminals. They don't deserve sympathy, Love."

"They don't deserve sympathy? Itachi, listen to yourself!" I could feel tears well up in the corners of my eyes. I wasn't yelling, because Indira was on my lap, but I was pretty close to it.

"This is a sacrifice you may need to make." Sasuke budded in. I stood up and put Indira on the seat in place of myself.

I leaned close to Itachi so Indira didn't hear and I said, "Come get me when you can realize how fucking stupid you're being." Shooting Itachi a sharp glare, I walked down the hallway and finally, the tears fell.

Wanting (Itachi Uchiha x OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now