Chapter Forty-Two: Distraction from Sasuke

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Sasuke held his left hand into a fist, likely piercing the skin on it, but threw the scroll into a trash bin. He grabbed a new one and hesitantly grabbed a brush and dipped it into ink.

I'll be there. Don't be late.


Twenty four hours.

Less than twenty four hours until two legendary Uchiha met for the first time in years.

Itachi knew deep, deep down that his most peaceful resolution of the brothers' conflict wouldn't work- but he held out hope.

I'd go out of my way to have Itachi and I's child be close with her uncle. I'd go out of my way to help Itachi reunite with his brother.

If I'm honest, despite my own brother trying to kill me, I do miss him. He's my older brother, he loved me.. He just wasn't in his right state of mind at the time.

~~ Flashback ~~

"Big Brother Michi! Where'd you go?" I called out to the deep forest.

"I'm right here!" My face lit up at the sight of my older brother jumping from the trees, landing right in front of me. I smirked, and lunged my little body forward and my fist met his chest.


A Clone? Of course Michi would pull something like that on me.  I look around frantically with a little grunt. Soon, I hear the clinking of kunai, and when I turn around, my brother had about a dozen of the weapon surrounding him, and with the flick of his hand and a small smirk, they'd been flung toward me.

With a moves, I'd dodged all twelve of the Kunai and my brother stood in frustration. I pulled myself off if the ground and shot a small grin at him. With a small giggle, I spoke:

"Don't worry, Big Brother Michi! You'll get me next time!" I grabbed Michiko's hand and we walked home. Not once did I see that scowl leave his face.

But it was no worries. He loved me.

~~~ Flashback Over ~~~

I guess I was zoning out because the next thing I heard was Itachi calling my name.

"Akira? Are you alright, Love?" He stepped in front of me; tiara on his head, and teacup in his hand. Itachi was trying to district himself from his meeting with Sasuke later on. I looked down, and my own tiara fell off of my head. I smiled to him.

"I'm okay. I was just thinking." I then moved to sit on the floor with Indira.

"Are you sure, Mama? Is your tea too hot?" Indira took a peek in my teacup.

"Nope! My tea is just right." I took a sip of the mere air that was inside the plastic cup. Itachi leaned in to me and whispered into my ear.

"I'm gonna go get prepared for tomorrow." He then placed his teacup and tiara down next to me.

"Alright... I'll make dinner when you're finished." Itachi and I shared a smile before he left to do, what he needed to.

I made Indira her dinner and sat it down in front of her and she immediately began to eat it. I placed Itachi and my own food in front of us, and besides to humming and giggling of our little girl, we ate in silence. We each had a lot on our minds.

After dinner, Itachi cleaned up for me while I put Indira to bed. She put up only a small fight, but soon she was out like a light. I walked back to our shared bedroom and layed on my side. Itachi soon slid underneath of the covers after changing into comfortable clothes for sleep. We mindlessly talked until I'd fallen asleep in his embrace.

"Don't worry, Itachi. We'll be fine. I promise. I love you."

"I hope you're right. I love you too.

Wanting (Itachi Uchiha x OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now